The Reaping

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I wake to find Katniss by my side, sleeping peacefully. Her soft brown hair spread messily upon the pillow. As I carefully attempt to manoeuver my way out of bed I take a look at the clock to realise it's 6:45. Not too bad. The reaping doesn't start till 12.

I jump in to the shower to attempt to fully awaken awaken myself and just stand there, letting the warm water rush over my body.

As I step out I grab a fluffy towel and wrap it around my waist. I then grab a smaller hand towel and start to dry my hair. I still can't believe Katniss stayed here last night. We've become closer since the announcement a few weeks ago but I never thought we would get to this stage. Still I'm not one to complain.

As I go back through to my room I see that Katniss has spread herself across the whole of the bed. I silently head towards my dresser and quickly grab the first outfit I find.

I'm pulling my top over my head and I head downstairs. I pull the dough I created last night out the proving draw and prepare it for cheese buns and place them in the oven. If I have to wake Katniss I want her to having something to take her mind off the fact I woke her.

When the timer goes off I put on my oven glove and take the cheese buns from the oven. I place two of them on a plate and grab a glass of water and head upstairs. To my surprise however, Katniss is allready awake.

"Morning Peeta."

"Morning Katniss. I make breakfast." I say handing her the plate. "I'm surprised to see you up so early."

"Nerves" She replies. "I'm can't believe it's our first year as mentors."

"Possible mentors." I correct her. "There's still a chance no one from twelve will get picked."

At that she laughs, trying to prevent any of her cheese bun from escaping her mouth.

"I need to go meet Effie at the station. You're welcome to stay here if you like."

"Thanks Peeta. I might."

At that I leave the house and head to the station. I arrive as the train does. It's only Effie arriving on this train. The camera and television crews have been here for at least a week getting everything prepared. This has to go out live to each district and we need to get a love feed back. As Effie steps off the train she is wearing what must be the height of fashion in the Capitol. She's wearing a midnight blue dress which is pulled in at the waist by a corset. On one arm, an elbow length sleeve is present. On the other is only a spaghetti strap. We exchange silent greetings and head back towards my home.

Katniss has left by the time we arrive. I expected as much due to the fact that all of her outfits are at her house, but it would have been nice to find her here. I lead Effie towards the study to allow her time to prepare for later. She will be the most important person in Panem during the reaping so it's only fair.

As I head upstairs to change in to a more appropriate outfit I start to think of what today signifies. A year ago today my life was changed forever. I went from being he humble bakers son to male tribute from district 12. A year ago I thought I was being handed my death sentence, little did I know I would survive.

As I push open my bedroom door I see a note has been folded and left on my pillow. As I unfold it I notice the messy scrawl which could only belong to Katniss 'sorry I left. Looked at your suits, don't wear the yellow one.' I chuckle as I place the note on my bedside table. I didn't even recall having a yellow suit but apparently I do.

After browsing through my wardrobe for about 20 minutes I finally decide on the brownish red. It's not a colour many would wear but I believe it to be one of my nicest suits.

As I'm slipping on the final shoe I hear a knock upon the front door.

"Do you want me to get it?" Effie calls

"It's ok thanks" I reply "It will only be Haymitch." And I was correct, as moments later I open the door to see Haymitch perched on my doorstep, wearing the same grey suit he wore to my reaping the year before.

"Ready to go?" He asks impatiently "The sooner we get there the sooner it will all be over with."

"Sure." I reply. "Let me just grab my jacket and inform Effie I'm leaving."

"Effie's there?" Haymitch asks curiously.

"Last time I checked she was."

"I'll tell her were leaving whilst you get your coat. I wanted a work with her anyways."

I go to my coat cupboard underneath my stairs and pick a simple black jacket which goes down to my knees. I'll have to take it off once we get there, but I reckon the journey will be cold. Just as I'm slipping on the second sleeve Haymitch turns up and we leave for the reaping.

As we're making our way towards the justice building the sense of nervousness fills the air. Family's walk in huddled groups. Seam kids are wearing outfits which seem too rich for their blood, their families probably had to save for ages to get an outfit like that, but most of all the amount of peacekeepers present has risen sharply. Probably because there are normally very few peacekeepers in 12 but they will want it to look like any of the more important districts, considering this games is meant to prove we are all equal.

Haymitch and I walk in silence. The only noise is the sound of our shoes on the stone floor. There's still about an hour to go before we are live on camera but the square outside the justice building is allready becoming crowded. Katniss can be seen talking to the mayors daughter Madge Undersee at the front of he crowd. Looking nervous just like everyone else. As I approach her I see she has donned her golden mockingjay pin for the occasion. Her sister, who I spot in the crowd of thirteen year olds wears one exactly the same. Katniss got one expecially made for her.

It's only about 10 minutes before Effie turns up, sporting an orange wig and a dress made entirely of orange butterfly's. She comes over to greet us all and we start to make our way onstage. In the middle of the stage is a glass box the size of a bathtub. Filled with every child's name from each district nationwide. In the tub are the slips of paper containing the names of the 24 tributes who's lives will never be the same again.

"Welcome, welcome." The voice echos throughout the 12 screens present outside. One for each of the districts. "to the seventy fifth hunger games and third quarter quell. I'm Effie Trinket and I will be here to pick the tributes for these very special games. First up." She walks towards the middle of the stage. Every single screen is quiet as we all wait in anticipation. She places her gloved hand in to the center of the container and rummages about for a moment.

"Lucci Rails District 7"

Every face turns towards the District 7 screen. A girl about the age of 15 walks on to the stage. She is greeted by Joanna Mason, her mentor and looks straight towards the camera. Not saying a word. Everyone looks back towards Effie for the next name.

"Hayden Hennings District 5"

As he's walking towards the stage Effie has allready picked the next name.

"Joe Frederick District 9"

This stage of the reaping goes on for at least an hours before its over and the 24 tributes have been chosen. There is only one from District 12. Dezzy Certa. The 15 year old blacksmiths daughter. Like I was, you can tell she was well fed as a child, or at least better fed that the majority of the district. She is however quite petite for a blacksmiths daughter. At about only 5ft 3 and very slim. She has dark brown eyes wirh flecks of green and green. Her hair is a dirty blonde, resing just below her shoulders. She will need to work hard to have a chance.

Katniss and I escort her inside the justice building and to the room where she will get to say her goodbyes to her loved ones.

After she has gone in to the room Katniss and I meet with a Haymitch and head towards the train to the capitol. Ready to re-watch the reaping and analyse Dezzy's competition.

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