More than enough

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Dezzy's point of view

I watch the ground split as an abundance of food rises on tables from the ground. It takes about 10 seconds for it to fully rise and for the ground to seal itself.

I go to run for the food but something inside of me is telling me to stay here. I allows myself to question that feeling momentarily, but I go with the feeling from my gut and retreat back behind a tree. Ensuring that no one can see me from the cournacopia, but ensuring I have enough space to see what is going on.

It's already mayhem at the cournacopia. There are now two tributes battling it out over some food on the far left. Different things keep in catching my eye and I find myself unable to focus on anything much. That's when the first of the remaining tributes fall. It's happens in slow motion- well almost. I see the flash of a blade and suddenly she's falling. She lands in a slump on the ground and a small puddle of blood starts to pool around her. There's no cannon, that will sound once the feast is over and the fatalities can be properly counted. I attempt to count how many of the remaining tributes are at the feast but the constant movement means I count the proper number. My guess is that there's at least 8 there, including the one who's dead. But that's all it is - a guess.

That's when I notice it. A tribute has broken away from the battle and is running towards where I'm hidden. I realise this is my opportunity to get food as the tribute has likely taken something from the feast.
I pick my sword from the ground and position myself ready for the attack. I hear the footsteps before I see who the tribute is. When I judge that the tribute is close enough I jump from the behind the trees and make a slashing movement with my sword. There is a thud and the tribute falls to the floor. Without hesitation I grab the leg of the tribute and drag them towards my hiding spot. A small moan escapes their lips and I notice the diagonal bloom of blood which is spread across his chest. Yes, it's a boy. It's that moment I realise who I attacked. Lying before me on the ground, blood covering the front of his clothes is Henry.

"Hi Dezzy." He says in a voice which is barely that of a whisper. "Never though this is how we would meet again."

Tears are filling my eyes and I forget about everything else which is going on. I never though to consider the fact that it might be Henry who coming towards me. I never even though to check for him at the feast. I was just thinking about my survival.

"I thought.... I though when I didn't see you at the feast... I though you were dead." He tells me.

"I'm so sorry." I blurt out as I stare as his face? Which is growing ever whiter. "If I knew it where you I wouldn't have attacked. I swear Henry. I never meant to do this to you."

"I believe you Dezzy. I always did." He hesitates as he takes a look at the wound on his chest. "Will you do one last thing for me though? Can I kiss you once more before I... before I die?"

I nod, tears now freely streaming down my face, what the people of the capitol will be thinking now. That's if they're even showing us now - my guess is that there's still fighting at the cournacopia. I lean foward and Henry kisses me, leaving me a memory I'll never forget. That's when I feel the pain in my side.

I fall back to the floor but it's too late. There's cut about 10 cms down the right side of my body but I'm not entirely sure of the depth yet. I look to Henry, in his hand is a blood stained knife, the knife which cut me, his shirt is now entirely red, his chest no longer rising and falling. I know instantly he's dead.

I attempt to move but the pain in my side makes it a real struggle. I know I have to though because there's blood stains on the floor and because otherwise they won't be able to come to collect Henry's body. I slip his bag from his shoulder and using the knife from his hand, cut both the legs off his trousers - he won't be needing them anymore anyway. I tie both the trouser legs around my waist in an attempt to stop the blood flow and manage to stumble a few hundred yards back in to the clearing before I collapse to the floor clutching the pain in my side.

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