Only A Stones Throw Away

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Dezzy's point of view

I find myself examining both the sword and the cut on my arm whilst Henry is asleep. The wound doesn't seem to be infected but I strap it back up with the strip of cloth. The sword on the other hand fascinates me. The handle is is coated with a leather grip to make it more comfortable to hold. The blade has a couple of blood stains on it, but it will have to wait till we get to the lake to clean it.

Sitting. Waiting. I find myself struggling to concentrate as I guard the hiding spot. The overwhelming heat makes it too hard to remain in the sun but there's no way for me to sit in the shade and remain hidden as not to give away Henry's hiding spot. I end up walking in a close proximity to Henry. It allows for his place to stay hidden, and for me to be able to keep an eye out for any source of food which may pass by.

The hours pass as I walk in a close radius to Henry. When I figure it's time to wake him so I give him a slight nudge. He wakes almost instantly. We sit against nearby trees and enjoy another half of a sandwich, leaving just 2 halves left for later. As we polish up our food the anthem plays but there's no pictures in the sky tonight. Soon the capitol will be getting bored.

"So do you want to head back to the lake?" I ask Henry before we set off.

"Well how much water do we have left?"

"Err..." I say as I retrieve my bottles from my bag "not too much. There's enough to last till we sleep but if we don't get back here by morning were probably screwed."

"Looks like it's best to head to the lake then." He tells me as we make the short journey to the lake.

I fill and purify the waters as Henry stands on the tallest of the surrounding rocks looking for fish. "No luck!" He calls as I put the bottles back in the bags.

"Shoot." I mutter in reply. Henry makes his way back towards me and I do the thing I've been considering for so long.

I brush my lips against Henry's and then take a retreating step back.

"What was that for!" He crys as he wipes his mouth with his hand. "What the hell Dezzy."

"I'm so sorry." I whimper as I feel my cheeks getting redder and tears well in my eyes. "I had to do to somehow and I though this was the best way." Henry just states at me as I say this, waiting for me to go on.
"I think we need to break the allience. The games are heating up and I know there's no way I can kill you, you've become too much of a friend to me. I though that this way you will have a way to remember just how much I care for you and hopefully you will do the same for me."

Henry seems stunned but he slowly starts to come back to reality. "Ok Dezzy." He pauses as he wipes his hand down his face. "I knew it had to come. I don't think I would be able to kill you either." He pulls from his bag the last of the chicken and lettuce sandwiches and hands it to me. "Here, now we'll be on a even footing. This is going to sound horrible, but I hope I don't see you again."

By this point tears are spilling from my eyes, so much for being strong I tell myself. " Don't forget," I call as I start to walk away. "May the odds be ever in your favour." By now however Henry's dissapearred in to the trees and I have no idea where I'm going.

I find myself walking aimlessly with doubts filling my mind . I probably shouldn't have split the allience so soon, but I knew that if I didn't, I would never want to. Even though we're in a fight to the death, he's closer than any friend I've ever had.

By myself, I'm realising just how much noise surrounds me the arena and just how much danger I'm in. Every little noise scares me and I'm constantly on edge. The sword I liberated earlier is by my side and I know it's now going to be my main way to fight.

I don't know how long it's been since I started walking but by the time I finally decide tet myself rest, I feel exhausted. I no longer recognise the area of the arena which I enhabit or which direction the cournacopia lays. Nevertheless I find a place covered just enough to allow myself a small amount of time to rest.

The first thing I do once I've sat is remove the paper which is still homed in my shoe. A mild sweat has meant the ink is starting to fade, but it is still possible to make out the text, even though I already know it by heart. It's my one form of contact from the outside world since I entered the arena - meaning it is now my most treasured possession.

I slip it back in my shoe as I decide to go through my few belongings to register exactly what remains in my possession. As I remove each item from my bag I place it at the foot of the tree before me to ensure it remains as close to me as possible. The first item is the sandwich half we got from our sponsors. I ensure this is kept off the ground as I remove the two, litre bottle of water from my bag. Taking a swig form one as I do so. Remaining I also have two knives and the dribble of antiseptic. Not forgetting the sword which is rested upon my lap. After surveying my belongings I place them gently back in my bag, placing the paper form my shoe in an inside pocket I've never before noticed. I don't have much with me know, but if I can eventually get back to my tree I've got a better hope at survival.

After ensuring both myself and my belongings are as hidden as possible, I attempt to settle down for what I know will be a restless sleep.

Peeta's point of view

After the events of the previous day and night we decide to all stay in today to inside of facing the capitol outside. This is mainly due to the fact that sponsors tend to avoid giving anything for a day or two after a gift has been give, but also because it's starting to become unbearable to face so many capitol people on a daily basis.

We head on up to the mentors floor to meet with the other and to grab a bite to eat. As the games have gone one there have been fewer and fewer victors remaining; heading back to their districts after their tributes have been killed. This means we have more freedom, but we also have to be more careful. Avox's parade the room 24-7 and they have been known be bugged with mics and cameras.

For lunch we have a platter of sandwiches brought to us as we each attempt to grab our favourites first. It doesn't last long however as soon, nothing but crumbs remain. We spend the rest of the day playing cards, offering an occasional glance at the screens. It's starts as just the 5 of us, but by nightfall our party also contain Joanna, Chaff, Mags and the woman from Chaff's district who's name just won't come to me. (I later learn it's Seeder)

By nightfall, most of the victors are too intoxicated to play anymore so we give up and settle to watch the games on the screens. Katniss and I occupy one of the small sofas, as she sits with her feet curled beside her.

As Dezzy fills the bottles I excuse myself to head to the bathroom. I don't even get to the door though before I hear her. "Peeta!" She calls with a worrying tone in her voice. "I think you should come see this."

"One sec" I reply and I go to open the bathroom door

"Peeta!" A more masculine voice calls "If I were you I would get here now!" From Haymitch's tone I gather the sheer importance. I run back to main room to see Dezzy kissing Henry. I stand in shock and just look at Katniss. "That's not the worst of it." Haymitch interrupts "they've separated. That was her way of saying goodbye."

We all just sit in silence take in what happened before Haymitch takes a lamp and throws it at the nearest wall, narrowly avoiding an Avox. "Stupid girl. Stupid, stupid girl." He mutters to himself.

At that moment, as to make matters worse, a message comes through to announce the last remaining sponsor we had, for both Dezzy and Henry, has pulled out. Leaving them both up the creak without a paddle.

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