Day One

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Authors note- From this point on the story is going to be from more than one point of view.

Dezzy's point of view.

I stand on the metal disk as it rises to the arena. I need to remain calm if I want to survive the initial bloodshed. Light floods in to the tube as it starts the rise above the ground and I am momentarily blinded.

I look around as my eyes adjust to the light to take note of the arena around me. Dull, grey buildings surround us as far as the eyes can see, but I spot the cournacopia and it becomes the main focus point for me. I can vaguely hear the countdown which echos around the arena as I try to make out what is in the cournacopia which I may need to grab.

The cannon sounds and I leap from my pedastal towards the cournacopia. From the corner corner of my eyes I can see others doing the same. We all have the same goal and it is to survive. As I get closer to the cournacopia I realise there is absolutely nothing there. It seems others have noticed the same thing as they abandon their journey before they have even arrived there. I continue though as it was where I agreed to meet Henry.

As I reach the entrance I turn to try and find Henry, instead a hand in placed on my shoulder and my legs are kicked out from under me. As I fall to the floor I'm manage to turn to face my attacker. It's not someone I recognise but I know them enough that the are my enemy. I manage to pull them to the floor and I push myself back on to my feet, placing my left foot across her throat. The more she struggles the more pressure I apply. A look of fear shoots across her face and I immediately back off. "Go!" I hurriedly whisper to her "next time you won't be so lucky." I go to turn and I hear her run in to the distance.

"Bit soft of you 12." Comes the cocky voice which can only belong to Henry. "You could have had her."

"I also could've said no to pairing up with you but look where I am!" I reply sarcastically. "I'd there anything here at all?"

"From what I have seen, no. Looks like we're going to have to work."

"Easy for you to say you're the only career in these games."

"I don't believe in the term career, I believe everyone is equal. However I believe in order for us to have an equal chance we should move from here. What do you think our first option should be?"

"I think we should see about the houses." I say as I start to run towards the nearest house.

"I believe you are correct." Henry laughs as he runs by my sid, trying, and failing, to beat me to the clearing.

As we approach the first of the houses the boom of the cannon sounds to signal the first death of the games. Henry and I look towards each other and the small amount of happiness we had dissapearred from us in the blink of an eye.

"We split." I tell him as a quizzical look crosses his face. "Not for long. Take a house each and look for supplies." We don't even agree before he heads towards the house on the left whilst I take the one on the right.

The building looms over me as I approach the front door. The pale blue of it is the only colour visible, other than the grey of the walls. As I push open the door harder than I should have as I step inside the building. Walking through the hall I notice nothing of importance, but the kitchen is my first priority. As I step in to the kitchen the stench of rotting rubbish fills the room. The floor is littered with composting a couple of inches thick and it squelches as I take a step on it. As I take a few more tentitive steps forward I notice I'm leaving a trail of footprints behind me. At least it means I'm the first one here. I pull the draw I assume is the cutlery draw hoping to find a knife but instead come across a pair of throwing stars. I pick them up and place them in the palm of my hand, attempting not to cut myself in the process as I turn to the nearest cupboard. Empty.

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