Chapter Eight: Knowledge

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Alex's P.O.V.

We got back in one piece, and when I walked in, there stood Luna and Rosie playing a board game. Music was playing and it was Tongue Tied by Grouplove. I looked at Nate and he just shrugged, we both went into the entertainment room and found Trevor and Kalia playing pool. Pool... First time I've ever seen Kalia play that stuff.

"So who's winning?" I asked.

"Trevor," Kalia said and made a pouty face.

"Oh, suck it up. You were better at it in 1920. I use to get so mad but it was funny in the end." Trevor said. Kalia laughed along with him. "Training starts tomorrow. Nate, I need you and Gabriel to help. Luna and Marcus are taking Rosie to the Pool of Balls." Trevor said sarcastically.

"Sure, that is if I can get Gabriel to help," Nate said crossing his arms.

"Uh oh. What happen? Did two brothers get in a fight because they were fighting over the same girl they did ages ago?" Trevor laughed. But Nate didn't, he just glared at Trevor.

"Oh, well then. I guess I'll talk to him." Trevor said. The doorbell rang. I and Kalia looked at each other and she smiled raising her eyebrow.

"Race?" She asked me. I grinned and nodded.

"Oh yeah!" I shouted.

"1,2 3 go!" Kalia counted down. Kalia and I rushed to the door and we both got to it the same time. We opened it together and there stood the one and only.. Evan.

"Evan!" Kalia and I shouted. We both jumped him with a hug.

"Why do I smell Werewolf?" I turned and saw Gabriel who looked like he smelled something terrible. He looked.. okay. Was he still mad at me? Or no? Or was he just gonna ignore my so-called sorry attitude?

"Evan, this is Gabriel he's a-"

"Vampire," Evan growled.

"Um, Ev. What's going on with you?" I asked. He pulled me and Kalia in beside him and sat us down on the couch.

"I'm a Werewolf," Evan said. Mine and Kalia's mouths dropped open with shock. what. the. hell?!

"Of course you are dip wood! Gosh, we can smell you from in here." Nate came out along with Trevor.

"That's what I said." Said Gabriel. He was up on the staircase staring down Evan. He was acting like he was better than Evan.

"Look, I didn't come here to harm anyone. I don't kill people." Evan said.

"Yeah, until the full moon is up." Gabriel joked. Nate and Trevor laughed at it also.

"No. I was born a Werewolf. My mother explained everything to me. A Werewolf born a Werewolf can change at will. Unlike a human who was bitten by a Werewolf. Then they change during full moons." Mine and Kalia's mouths were still open.

"Jeez, you two need to close your mouths you're gonna swallow a fly," Trevor said. Kalia and I closed them and looked at Evan.

"If you're pulling our leg, I swear I will kill you, Evan!" Kalia hit him in the shoulder.

"I'm not," Evan said. Kalia took a deep breath and punched him in the arm so hard that she flinched from the pain.

"What was that for?!" Evan asked.

"For not trying our cell phone's!" I and Kalia said at the same time.

"Well, I better get home before mom freaks out," Evan said.

"No!" I and Kalia hugged his leg. "You stay tonight!" I yelled.

"Just don't leave us with these people!" Kalia faked cried.

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