Chapter 33

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Madisons pov.

I hear someone walking towards the door I think its Josh. The foot steps stop infront of the door and then I hear a slight knock.

"Are you ok love?" Josh asks me.

"Yeah im fine" I say taking a towel cleaning up my blood vomit quickly.

"Ok, well I'll be out here waiting and your sister and Ashley are also waiting to go wedding shopping with you" He says.

"Ok thank you" I say to him and he walks away.

I quickly start cleaning up the blood faster and faster till the bathroom was clean. I put the towel under hot water and let the blood go down the drain. I then threw the towel in the hamper and walked out. Josh was waiting there in the leather chair in the corner. He walked up to me.

"Your sure your ok?" He asks curious.

"Yep, im good" I say to him smiling.

"Ok well I have to go take care of wedding stuff. Your sister and Ashley are waiting for you downstairs when your ready" He says kissing my forehead and walking out.

I got ready to go. The usual shower, doing hair, picking something to wear. Once I was done I went down stairs and me, Lexie and Ashley all got in the car. We drove down the road till I made an off turn.

"Madison where are you going? The bridal store is that way" Lexie asked pointing in the direction we were so post to go.

"I have to make a quick stop" I say pulling into Wal-Mart.

"Ok but hurry up the bridal store doesn't stay open all day" Lexie says and I nodded walking into the store.

I walked in and went straight to the medicine. I put stomach medicine and a pregnancy test in my basket and walked to the self check out. I left the store putting my belongings in my purse. I got in the car.

"Well? What did you get?" Lexie asked.

"I. Ummm" I said as I tried to think of a realistic lie.

"Well?" She says.

"I had to get tampons" I say smiling.

"Oh, ok now can we go to the bridal store now?" She asks and I nod.

We get to the store and the lady asked if we had an appointment. I nodded knowing Josh already made one.

"Ok right this way" the lady says and me, Lexie and Ashley fallow.

They sat on the couch and watched me try on numerous amounts of dresses till I found the perfect one. I walked out of the dressing room and stood on rhe pedestal. The gown was beautiful. The lady put on my tiara and vail. The vail was so long it went down the stairs.

"Well?" I ask Lexie and Ashley.

"Its so perfect!" Ashley screams.

"You look so beautiful!" Lexies screams.

"Thank you" I say smiling at them.

We got the dress the vail and shoes. And the perfect diamond tiara. We head home after we went out to eat. When we got home everything was almost done for the wedding tomorrow. I smiled at the joy of my perfect day tomorrow.

"Do you like it?" Josh asks from behind and I smile.

"Its perfect" I say to him and hug him.

"Im glad you like it love" He says to me and I smile.

"Im going to go sleep" I say to him.

"Ok, I'll be up in a minute" He says kissing me and I walk up the stairs.

I walk into the bathroom with me purse and take out a pregnancy test. I use the bathroom and wait. I wait till it was done processing. I dropped the test on the ground as I saw. Im pregnant.

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