Chapter 13

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Joshs pov.

So beautiful. I said out loud looking at this beautiful little human laying next to me.

I got out of bed to go get Ashley. I walked in the room. She was awake but not crying. Her big blue eyes were beautiful. I picked her up and began to snuggle her and feed her bottle.

Madison pov.

I got up and fell to the floor. I was still a little wobbly from last night. Oh my goss last night. It was amazing. Even though it hurt like a bitch, I finally got to be with my love. I smiled as I got off the floor. I walked into Ashleys room to see Josh holding little Ashley in his arms feeding her a bottle. I smiled at the thought that he was going to make a good father one day. Wait. Can I still have a baby with him if im a vampire? I needed all my questions answered but for now I just want to observe him.

What are you looking at deary? He asked me smiling as he looked down at Ashley still.

You. I said grinning.

He put down Ashley and vampire sped to me.

Are you ok? Hurting? Anything? He asked worriedly.

No im fine. I said smiling. Well, when I got out of bed, the floor was feeling sad so i gave it a hug. I said laughing.

And does the floor feel any better? He asked me laughing.

I think so. I gave it a big hug. I said laughing again.

Ok. Are you hungry? He asked me.

Yes. Are you? I asked smiling as I kissed his lips.

He kissed me back for about 30 seconds then pulled away. His fangs were showing but I didnt jump from my lover.

Your not going to hurt me. I said moving closer.

Get dressed were going to get some breakfast and then look at some houses. He said turning away walking towards our room.

I walked into the room behind him and hugged him from behind. He held my hands on his stomach and then through me on the bed and climbed ontop of me.

You no if I feed on you I wont be able to stop. He said leaning over me but not touching me.

You can. I know you can because I trust you. I said trying to kiss him.

I cant hurt you. I will never hurt you. He says stroking my cheek.

You just looked starved. I said sadly.

I know. But I wont leave your side or Ashleys till I know its safe. He said protectivly.

I know. I just dont want you to starve. I said sadly.

I know you care baby. He said kissing me forehead and walking to the bathroom. I got up and got me and Ashley dressed. Jish was waiting on us in the living room. I walked in and saw Joshs long wet hair from his shower and I smiled.

Ready? He asks.

I nodded holding Ashley in her carrier. Josh brought the stroller and put it in the car. He buckled in Ashley while I got in the car. We drove to the restaurant and sat done at the table putting Ashley in her high chair. I started feeding her baby food and talking to Josh.

So I have a question. I said.

I have an answer. He said smiling.

Can two vampires have a baby? I asked as his eyes got wide.

You want a baby? He asked stunned with wide eyes.

No, not right now, maybe one day. I said sadly.

Well. Only royalty can have kids if they are a vampire King or a vampire queen. He said with a slight smile.

Oh, ok. Is all I could manage to say.

If you having second thoughts about your dissension then tell me. He said putting his hand ontop of mine.

Im not. I said smiling.

Ok. He said kissing my hand.

After eating breakfast we got in the car and began to look for our new home. Josh pulled into a tall building and a women in a business uniform stood at the building door. We got out and a man to the car to park it. I held Ashley and Joshs hand as we walked up to the business women.

You must be Ashs brother and Lexies sister. She said smiling. And you must be Ashley. She said smiling at Ashley. Im really sorry about your brother and sister. But this building had top of the line security. Our windows are bullet proof and door have metal in them but they are light as a feather she started saying as we walked through the gorgeous lobby to the elevator. We got in and went to the top floor. And walking in there was a grand stair case twirling around like a snake to the top floor next to the front door. Once you walk in the front door and walk straight there is an open living room after passing the stair case. The living room had huge glass windows and i look out to wee all the buildings its beatiful. The kitchen was right next to it. We walked up stairs and saw me and Joshs huge master bedroom that was all black and white. Ashley room was beautiful aswell. Everything for a baby was in there.

One bathroom in the master. And one down the hall and one downstairs. The lady said.

So what do you think? Josh asked me.

I think its perfect. I said smiling.

Is this the one? He asked smiling.

I nodded and Josh gave the women some money and she was gone. I put Ashley is her new crib and stroked her cheek as she fell asleep. Thst when something flew from the corner and I hit the wall. That last thing I heard was Ashley crying and I was out like a light.

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