Chapter 4

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I ran to Josh on the floor and sat with him. I looked at the long wooden spoon in his back. I touched it and he hissed flashing his fangs at me. And I slid backwards on the floor fast.

Im so sorry Madison. Josh said to me as back away.

We have some explaining to do. Mother said to.

Meet us in my office in a few minutes. Dad said to me. As they both walked away to give Lexie her soup and water.

I clawed back towards Josh and sat next to his bloody body laying on the floor. And looked at the pain in his eyes.

What do you want me to do? I asked scared.

Can you pull it out? He said with his eyes closed.

I nodded my head and slowly put my hand around the long wooden spoon in his back. I looked at him to see if he was I pain when I put my hand around the spoon. His eyes were still closed so I looked back at my hands around the spoon.

Im going to count to three. Ok? I said to him. He nodded his head with his eyes still closed.

One.....two. and I pulled it out fast.

Josh hissed loud and said what happend to three!? He yelled.

I had to do it when you least expected it. I said softly.

Well it worked. He said eyes wide
He leaned up and sat infront of me.

What now? I asked solftly.

I need to go get some blood. He says sofly.

I got up and walked over to the glass on the floor. I picked up a piece of glass as Josh ran over to me. I pricked my vain on my wrist before he could stop me. The blood flowed down my wrist and josh breathed in slowly. I extended my wrist to him. And he looked at me sadly and covered his hand over my wrist. He walked into the kitchen and leaving me stand In the hall. He came back within seconds and walked towards me. He took out the alcohol and dabbed my wrist with a cotton ball and I whimpered in pain slightly. He looked at me to see if I was ok. After done dabbing my wrist with the alcohol, he took the long white bandage and wrapped it around my wrist a couple of times.

I dont ever want you to do that again. He said sadly looking at me.

Im sorry. I just wanted to help. I said sadly and softly.

Its ok. I just dont want you to do it ever again. He said softly.

Now what? I ask.

You go to your dads office so they can explain everything to you. He said sadly.

He looked at me and came close. I didnt back away this time. Knowing he didn't mean any harm to me.

I'll be back soon. He said kissing my forehead and I closed my eyes. When I open my eyes he was gone.

Joshs pov.

I cant hurt her I've got to stay away from her. I said to myself as I walked into the woods surrounding the house, looking for an animal that had no Idea whats coming.

Madison pov.

I walked to Lexies room to see Ash with his wrist in Lexies mouth.

So I guess your one too? I asked Ash looking at him.

Yes. I hope this doesnt change how you feel about me marrying your sister. Ash said to me.

I shook my head at him so he knew my feelings havent changed.

What are you doing to her? I asked him.

Me and Joshs blood can heal. Ash said to me.

Oh. How do you no Josh? I asked.

Hes my brother. Ash said removing his wrist from Lexies mouth and wiping the blood away from her mouth with a hand towel.

Why didnt you tell me about you and Josh? We've been friends sense we were little. I asked Ash.

Because it wasnt my place to tell and I didnt want to scare you. Ask says.

Does my sister know about you? I ask looking at my sleeping sister.

Yes shes known sense she was fifteen.

Oh. Is all I could say.

Me and you were the best of friends werent we. He says smiling.

We were till you left in 6th grade and the teacher said you moved to france and didn't tell me. I say looking down sadly.

I had to Madison. My family told me soon I would be the monster I am now. So I had to leave. I didnt tell you not because I didnt trust you but because i didnt want to scare you. He said looking sadder then ever.

Im sorry Ash. I say to him crying.

Ash gets up and wipes away my tears. And says its all ok now. Im going to take care of your sister so ill be living here till after the wedding then me and your sister are going back to England. I live there now. He says.

I nodded. Im going to go to my dads office so they can explain all of this to me. I say trying to smile.

Ok. I'll see you later. Ash says before I walk out lexies door.

Joshs pov.

Well that was awsome I say to myself. I need to go apologize to my brother for eating his fiancee. But ill leave them alone till tomorrow. I walk back into the house and go straight to my room so I dont have to run into Madison. I go to my room and close the door behind me. I look at the old room that was a old book room. I went to the middle of the room and pulled down the string from the ceiling and pulled down a metal latter. I climbed the latter up to the attic. The attic was kinda big. Liveable atleast. I have a king size bed and a fridge and a sofa with a tv. So its cozy for me. Once up in the attic I pull the ladder back so it would look like a normal book room downstairs. After that I lay on the bed but I could get one thing off my mind. Madison.

Madisons pov.

I walk into my dads office and see my mother and father sitting infront of the fireplace waiting on me. I walk in and sit in the chair across from them waiting on them to talk.

You know we love you Madison. Mother says ever so comforting.

I nodded my head at my mother.

Our family has a secret that no other family has. My father says.

Our family is staying in a house that belonged to vampires. Ash and Josh lived here before we did. Their mother and father took Ash way to be turned. Josh was adopted by thier family. Their mother and father died in this house when it caught on fire, after they returned from france. We have been watching over Josh and Ash sense then. Thier mother and father were good friends of ours and they would have wanted us to watch after Josh and Ash. Ash and Josh signed a contract that says they can stay as long as they dont harm us. But if we try to hurt them they can hurt us. But what we are about to tell you next, we want you to no we love you very much.

I nodded at them both.

You are also adopted Madison. My mother said. We found you at the fire along with your parents. They never made it out. But we found you in a snow on the stairs. They took you to the hospital. But when you woke up you had no idea about the fire, you knew who you were and you thought we were your parents. So we went along with it and we both decided to tell you when you were fifteen. They always thought that Josh caused they fire because he invited your mother and father over. You were so post to stay in the car while your mom and dad went in. After an hour of waiting you got out of the car and headed towards the front but the fire busted the front door open and you were thrown down the stairs. Thats when we we found you and took you to the hospital and called the fire department.

Tears rolling down my face like a river. I got up and ran to the hall to Joshs room.

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