Chapter 3

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When we pulled in the drive way it was getting dark. I checked my phone to make sure i didnt miss the time of when I had to meet Josh.

Madison im going to start on dinner, will you help Lexie with her bags? Mom asked.

I nodded my head and began to help Lexie with her bags and luggage.

What room are you stay in? I said to her as we walked down the hall.

My old room of course. She says with a smile.

Ok. I say as we went into her girly room with a queen size bed and flat screen tv on the wall.

Wow you sure did like Victoria secret didnt you. I say weirded out looking at all the bags she had left on the floor.

Yep I did. Lexie says with a smile.

After lexie settled in, I left her room and looked at my phone. Oh my gosh im late. I say to myself as I run down the other end of the hall to Joshs door. I sat on the floor. Chris cross and knocked on the door.

Your late. Josh hissed at me.

I know im sorry, I had to help my sister. I say looking down.

Well your going to sneek me in your room so I can explain myself. Josh says.

Wow wow wow. Hell no im not. I say seriously.

And why not? He says like a spoiled child.

Because I dont no who you are. I've only seen you once. I say with a sigh.

Dont be sad darling. But if you will not sneek me in, then I guess you'll never know me. He says as I hear him start to walk away.

Wait! I say yelling through the door.

Yes darling? He says knowing what im going to say.

I'll sneek you in. I say with a sigh.

Ok. He says and opens the door looking down at me.

He was tall, dirty blonde hair,  grayish blue green eyes. He hovered over me as his shadow casted across the floor. He was beautiful.

I snuck him out the back door and around to the side of the house. Where we could climb the tree next to my window.

You first darling. He said smiling at me.

Dont call me that. I said rolling my eyes as I began to climb. I got half way up and looked down at him still standing there. I kept climbing to I reached my window and get in. I went to turn around to look out the window to tell Josh to hurry up, but he was standing behind me. I jumped when I turned around to find the handsome man standing behind.

Sorry didnt mean to startle you. He says with a smile.

Wow your fast. I say to him as he looked at me odd. Oh my gosh he must have thought I ment that in the wrong way. I quickly correct myself.

I didnt mean it like that. I say blushing.

Its ok. He says with a smile.

Well this is it. I say.

You have a lovely room miss Madison.  He says.

Um thank you? I say weirdly.

I sat on my bed and said well I think you have some explaining to do. I said with a smile.

Yes I do. He says sitting on the edge of the bed faceing me.

Well? Explain? I said with a slight laugh.

Well I would tell you but it's not my job to, its your parents. He says sigh.

Then why did you want to sneek up here? I said looking around.

Because. he says looking at me. I want to know more about you he says to me.

Me? I ask. Why me?

Because your interesting. He says looking at me with those beautiful eyes.

Alright. What would you like to know? I ask.

Where were you born? He asks.

Here. I say

How old are you? He ask.

Fourteen.  Fifteen In a couple of days. I say.

Wow your young. He said with a little laughter.

Well how old are you? I say looking at him like a little brat crossing my arms.

One hundred seventeen. He says smiling.

No your not. I say laughing.

Ok. I guess im seventeen then he says smiling.

I guess so. I say smiling.

Ok now then, whats your favorite color? He asks.

Black. I say quickly.

Hhmmm. He says.

What? I ask.

You seem like a girly girl. He said laughing.

Well you've mistaken.  I say smiling and throughing a pencil at him.

He caught it quickly. It was magical. Like nothing I had even seen before. I looked at him like he had two heads.

How did you do that. I ask quickly.

He was silent. Just looking at me like a sad puppy.

Answer me! I scream at him.

He moved towards me and I backed up against the back bored of my bed.

Dont be scared of me. He says sadly.

I couldnt find the words to say to him. He moved right infront of me. He stroked my right cheek. His touch felt like fire against my skin. So I closed my eyes for a split second and his touch was gone and so was he.

Madison! Dinner is ready! Mother screamed.

I quickly got off the bed and ran down stairs to eat. After everyone talked about their day and was happy we all got up and handed our plates to mom and I headed back up stairs to my room.

Lexies/sisters pov.

So you bought me that dress thinking it will shut me up? I say to mom.

I bought you the dress because  you wanted it. Mother says annoyed at me.

I hate that dirty thing is living with us under the same roof as my sister. I spat at mom.

Well he is and you need to get over it. Mother said to me.

Maybe I should just kill him I said picking up the long wooden spoon. And walking towards his room.

Dad screamed remember the contract Lexie you try to hurt him he will do the same in return.

Fuck the contract dad! I screamed still walking towards Joshs door.

Josh stepped out of his door looking at me stupid. As I went to stab Josh in the chest with the wooden spoon, Josh caught my arm and smiled.

Bad idea sweety. Josh said with a fake smile throughing me against the mirror hanging from the wall in the hall way. The glass shattered as I was thrown into it leaving her with blood trickling down mt arm as Josh licked it off along with draining me half way.

Sorry sweety, shouldnt have done that. Josh said smiling intill he was stabbed in the back with the spoon by my fiancee Ash. Josh fell back trying to reached the spoon. But couldnt. Ash quickly helped me up.

Can you make her some soup and a glass of water please Ash said lookimg at my morher and father.

I'll get the soup. Mother said quickly.

I'll get the water. Dad said.

Thank you. Ash said while picking me up and began carrying me to my room. As Ash was walking he stopped by Josh on the floor and looked down at him.

Bad move brother. Ash said to Josh and kepted walking to my room.

Oh my god! What happened! Madison yelled running over to Josh on the floor.

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