Chapter 19 -- Plans and Pups

Start from the beginning

"I'll need you to work with Neil again." I sighed, Neil hadn't talked to either of us since the last session where I showed him 'Death'.

"I don't know how to talk to him about this, Stephen. He's... a little broken from the experience."

"You'll need to talk to Tina. Without me, I think," Stephen said thoughtfully. "Also Elise knows her cousin and can arrange it." Elise knew everyone's cousin, how they kept it straight was an enigma to me.

"I'll take care of it then." We walked down the path for a little while and I started to feel a little strange. All my senses were on alert and I was starting to feel a type of... warning that made my hair stand up on end. I stopped and started to look around.

"I think we need to get back to the Command Center now," I said and Stephen nodded.

"Can you describe what's going on?" Stephen asked concerned.

I was trying to figure out what the warning was. Then I blurted out, "We're beginning to get flooded with pups."

Stephen was smiling while we walked back to the village, we went directly to Dr. Tosell's temporary maternity ward. There were about twenty female wolves about to give birth, with an equal number of nervous male wolves trying to calm them down and not doing a very good job. Dr. Tosell's nurse training sessions included how to deal with fathers and family, and everyone was being taken care of. But the energy was high.

The Doctor walked up to us and bowed her head respectfully, "Alpha, Luna, what can I do for you?"

I didn't quite know how to explain it but tried anyway, "You'll need to call in the nearby pack doctors, it's happening. I just know."

She nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Thank you Luna, I'll make the arrangements right away." Then looking down and touching my stomach said, "Any labor signs yet?"

Sighing, I replied, "No, not yet."

The Doctor looked at Stephen and told him in her special 'doctor voice' that they all have, "Make sure you notify me when she starts her labor pains. This is a special pup, and I want to keep an eye on them personally." I knew the Doctor was referring to Whitehorse and my visions. She wanted to make sure there were no complications.

"Absolutely Doctor," Stephen said looking directly at her. We said our goodbyes and walked back to the Command Center.

"I'll talk to Elise the next time I see her about Neil and Tina," I said when we got to the pack house and were walking to our offices. People would say hello to us and bow their heads, I don't know if I'll ever get used to it. Continuing our conversation from earlier I said, "I still need to think about your plan, it has a lot of merit. I have to say something to you and I don't want you to be offended. I just have to ask it."

Stephen gestured me into his office and shut the door. He helped me sit on the sofa since it was so awkward.

"Go ahead, love," he said and sat behind his desk.

"If I work with your R&D man, will the plans be secure? We will have to destroy them of course, but will the plans be secure?"

"Timothy is my cousin and we grew up together. I trust him with my life, Danika. And have trusted him on numerous occasions."

"Well, I can't keep up with all your cousins for chr... pete's sake," I said. I was trying not to swear so much.

Stephen smirked and said, "Timothy is the driving force behind the development of our own stealth technology. We monitor most government communications without detection, we have a small, core team of analysts that were trained by military 'black ops' forces and they have each risked their lives many times on different pack operations. They keep world secrets, love, there's no one more qualified on the entire planet."

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