Chapter 17

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i stared at my grandfather as i sat across from him at the table.

"does she know you're here?" i ask

"if she did, she would be here...she or anyone doesn't know i'm in town." he ans

"how did you know?" i ask

"you forget who i am, lil bug...if though i'm not here i still have my eyes and ears on the streets...when i didn't hear from you i had my men find what's going on, found out that you was attacked and you disappeared and that your mother got everyone looking for i begin to remember about the woman you called ma so i figured if i look for her, i'll find you." he ans

i sigh deeply as i looked at ma who was standing in the kitchen with Ruby.

"do you know everyone including your mother thinks you're dead?" he ask

i nod my head

"yea, i know...i figured if i just play like it everyone would leave me alone, and i can live my life." i ans

"i didn't mean to worry you, grandpa...i'm just tired, tired of all of this....tired being around a mother who doesn't love me." i cont

"i understand that, your mother cares, she wouldn't be doing all of this if she didn't but you can't run from your problems you have to face them." he said

he grab a hold of my hand had me look at him

"if you wanted to leave, quit...all you had to do was come tell me i would've allowed it, honestly I didn't even want you doing this, never fully understood why in the first place."

I sigh deeply

"It's time for you to stop running and come home, you have to tell her." He said

"You gonna be with me?" I ask

"Always gonna be there for you." He grin softly as he touch the side of my cheek.

I went to my room change clothes and came out I looked at Ruby. I remember she was trying to tell me something.

"We'll talk later." She said I nod and left on out.

Got in the truck and rode on out to the warehouse

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