Chapter 9

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I drove on over to the warehouse. Parked put my gun under my shirt, got out and went inside.

As I was walking I heard my mother fussing yelling at someone, heard her say my name.

"I don't care what you have to do, drag her ass here...NOW!" Mother yell

I lean against the pillar as I put my hands in my pockets. The four members looked behind her and saw that I'm here.

"Ah, boss?" One of them said

"What?!" Mother yell.

"She's here." He said, looking at me. She turned around saw me

She rushed up to me and slapped me hard across my face. Had my eyes closed was stun, I controlled my breathing.

Slowly turn my head and look at her, right in her eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask, using every strength in my body not to cry and not to hit her.

"We got business to discuss, I need you and Jhalil to do a run."
She ans

"Why can't he do it by himself?" I ask

"Cause I said so, time for you to start doing yo job around here." She said

"What do I got to." I said

She begin telling what Jhalil and I have to do tonight.

Three hours later

I came out after changing clothes fixed my hoodie as I walk on over to where mother and Jhalil is.

"Ready?" Jhalil ask

"I'm here ain't i." I said he scoff

"Just don't strew this up." Mother said making a face at me.

"Whatever you say Marisol." I remark.
I turned and walked to the truck

"Be careful." Mother said
I got in the truck cause I know damn well she wasn't talking to me.

Jhalil nod his head and got in the truck. He drove us on out. After awhile Jhalil begin talking too much. I begin to get real annoyed by it.

"Yo, shut up, talk too much." I said

"Sorry, for trying to make the ride go a little smoothly." He said, I shook my head softly a bit

"Let me ask you this, why you keep disrespecting yo mother, acting like you better than everyone?" He ask

"My mother, ha she hasn't been my mother for a long time, and I don't act like I'm better than're doing a fine job on that on yo own." I ans

"What... what you mean I'm better." He said

"Look at you, would do whatever to please her, she shows more love to you than her own daughter...I'm dead to her, been like that ever I said I'm ghost for a reason, I don't exist to her." I sigh had stared out the window.

"What you talking about, Marisol cares about you." He said

"Oh really, than why did she tell you to be careful and not me." I said, as I looked at him.

He slightly opened his mouth, couldn't say anything.

"Exactly." As I turn and stared out the window.

He sigh deeply as he realize how things been for me. We rode in silence the rest of the way to the old train station.

We pulled up and park took our guns out lock and load. Got out the truck. I grabbed the duffle bag. We walked to the spot stood around checking our surrounding.

"Some ain't right." Jhalil said. I nod softly, agreeing with him it was quiet too quiet.

*click* a bright beam of light appear outta nowhere. We slant our eyes as we looked in the direction it was coming from.

"Who yo self!" I shouted, holding up my gun as I took it off safety.

Another bright light beam at us from behind we quickly turned pacing a bit trying to see whose there. Jhalil and I back against each other looking back and forth breathing heavy.

Then we jump a bit as we saw a shadow run past us.

"Show yo self mothafucka." Jhalil shout

Then we jerk again as we saw another shadow figure run past. Our eyes we're beginning to ache from the light.


Sudden we begin hearing crackling noises. sounds like a electric taser.
Than we begin hearing more of them. Than we heard running footsteps.


"Ahh!" I shout as I felt a painful shot on my side.

Jhalil began shooting as he yell.

"Augh!" He yell as he got hit with the taser.

Then we begin running to get away.

*whoosh* *whoosh*

Next thing you know I was knocked down than i heard Jhalil fall. I dropped my gun was feeling for it.

Finally I felt my gun I grabbed it.

"Ahh." I groan as someone place their boot on my hand and step on it hard

*click clock*

I gasp softly as I heard the gun click.

"Haha." A man laughs

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