Chapter 13

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Three hours later

I was sitting up on the couch, barely slept, Nate than came over with some of my clothes. Gave me the bag I got up went to the bathroom and took a long shower.

Got out oil my body down, put on my briefs cargo pants and sports bra. Ma rewrapped my bandages I put my long sleeve shirt on along with my socks.

I took my time walking to the kitchen, sat down manage to eat

"So now what?" Nate ask

"Time I tell the crew the truth, I'm done keeping secrets." I ans

"Call them have them meet here." Ma said
I nod my head, I grab my cell sent them a text to come to ma's. Then I called Ruby, she didn't answer I left her a message.

Ruby finally decided to listen to my messages, her eyes widen as she heard me say "sore and in pain." Than she listened to the last message.

She sigh deeply had called Liyah for a ride to ma's. Minutes later they all pulled up at the same time in ma's driveway.

Walked up to the door, ma let them in.

"What's going on?" John ask

"Something I need to tell all of you in person." I said as I walk around the corner
They gasps as they saw I've been hurt.

"What happened?" Ruby ask

"Let's sit." Ma said.

We all walked to the living room and sat down. I exhale deeply and begin telling them the truth.
They were in shock as i told them.

"You knew about this, Nate?" Liyah ask, he nod his head.

"Yes, I was the one who kept them from recruiting him, I kept him safe he's my eyes and ears on the streets...i kept all of you guys safe, whatever something bad was gonna happened I made sure you all we're miles away from it." I Said, i looked at Ruby.

"I'm soo sorry I didn't tell you, I was afraid of losing you, all of you...once people find out whose my mother and all they run, afraid to be around me, i just sell I don't do anything else...I gotten beaten half to death cause of something my mother did." I explain

Ruby held her head down, I sigh softly

"I understand if you all wanna leave have nothing to do with me." I said as I drop my head.

They were quiet for a long time

"We ain't going anywhere we family we stick together." John said, I looked at them.

Ruby grab a hold of my hand and hold it, I look at her she stared into my eyes.

"I'm not leaving you." She said, we lean towards each other kiss and and let our foreheads touch.

"So what you gonna do now?" Ma ask

"Live my life, I'm done and out I'm not going back home or to that place." I ans

"How, ain't there like rules or something?" Ruby ask

"There are, but I don't care I'm cutting everything off from them." I ans,

"What's the plan?" Nate ask

"Cut my cell off, get a new one, ditch my car...lay low, got a private account so I'm good, they won't be able to find me, I kept everything hidden they don't know anything bout me." I ans

"You can stay here with me." Ma said

"Ma you don't..." she cut me off

"No, its better you're here especially since you're wounded and you can't be by yourself with those meds." Ma said, I nod my head.

"What about your mother?" Ruby ask

"Let her drive herself crazy, she won't be able to find me." I ans.

Hours later

I gotten a new cell, transfer my stuff from my old cell to the new one than I destroy it.

Back at the warehouse

Mother was in her office she been calling me, no answer than she gotten a voice saying

"I'm sorry the number you've dialed is no longer in service"

She looked at her cell as she made a face. She than look up saw Moni

"She didn't come home." Moni said

"What Doc say?" She Ask

"Hasn't gotten a call from her." He Ans, she sigh deeply.

"I'm sure she's okay." He said

"I hope so." She Said, she wave her hand he bow his head and left.

Mother stared at the locket as she held it in her hand.

A week later

I've been sleeping a lot the pains were going away, I was feeling better than before. I also been staying under the radar staying away from places where the members hang out I've been out of school cause of the ogts, so I was good.

Ma's been looking after me making sure I get enough rest and definitely making sure I eat I tend to go hours without eating.

Ruby and I are coming together she's still upset but happy that I'm okay and all.


Nate came on over with some news. I was leaning against the kitchen counter

"Sup Flame."

"Sup T."

"How's it looking?"

"Going crazy, got them looking for you...even got hella mad when one of them said you're probably dead...died from yo wounds."

"I died a long time ago, bro...and I'm not coming back."

"You should let her know, she cares she wouldn't be doing this if she didn't."

"Now she wants to care about me, nah let her feel the same pain I've been in for two years."

He sigh deeply, look at me stared into my eyes

"They gone away?"

"Comes and goes."

"They will go away...when you face them accept it and tell her."

I exhale as I nod softly. Than he left on out.

Later on I gave Ruby a call, asking if she can hang out for a long while. Need to get my mind off some things.

I grabbed the keys to my new car. I brought a Camry black tinted windows. I told ma I will he at the chill spot for a long while. Than I left on out

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