Chapter 10

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I laid breathing heavy as I heard a man laugh.

"Fuck off me!" Jhalil shout

I was grabbed off the ground, grunting as I struggled free from the two men's grip

We came and stood before some masked figure. He stared at us, he begin to laugh

"Fuck is you?" I spat

"Someone who gonna get sweet revenge and money for it." He said chuckling.

He took a step towards us looked right at me, could tell he was smiling

"Make sure you beat her good, she's the daughter." He said

Than you know three men begin beating on me. I tired to fight back but they were much stronger. Heard Jhalil yelling for them to stop 

*smack* he got slapped by the man's gun.

"Shut up before I murder you, boy." The Man said

They beat me for what it felt like hours. Then they stopped. I was laying on the ground groaning moaning in pain.

"Now you give her my message, boy...not time I won't show mercy." He said


"Ahh." Jhalil groan and dropped to his knees as he was knee kicked hard in his stomach.

They grabbed the money and left on out fast. Jhalil groan softly as he crawl to me.

"Tru...Tru." he call

"Ahh." I groan, breathing heavily

"Hang on, I'ma get you outta here." He said

He helped me off the cold rock ground. I groan in pain as we struggled to the truck.

Got in the backseat, he got in drivers seat and sped us on out.

"Hang on, T we almost there." He said

I had my arm on my stomach they broke my arm.

Minutes later

We arrive at the warehouse. Jhalil came to a quick stop right inside, by the other cars. Got out ran to the back door

"Need some help over here!" He yell.

Some of the members heard him and rush over. Help me out
Stormy rush to my mother's office

"We need out here." He said and ran, She heard the noise. Rushed out of her office got to the big opening, saw me and Jhalil.

"The fuck happened?" She said

"We was set up...Markos set us up to get jump, this was a message for you." Jhalil ans

"That mothafucka, I want him found...Jhalil do you know what they look like or anything." She said

I couldn't believe, here I am bleeding all beaten up and she ain't said not a damn word to me.

"They we're wearing masks, the head guy said Tru's the message, told me to tell you he won't show mercy next time." He ans.


"Let go of me." I said still breathing heavy

I groan as I jerk my body away, turned and begin limp walking away. Mother looked at me

"Where are you going?" She ask
I didn't answer, holding my broken arm clenching to my jacket.

"You stop right now!" She yell. I kept going. She ran to me grabbed my other arm and stopped me.

"I said stop." She said,

"Don't touch me!" I angrily said, looking at her with water in my eyes.
I snatch my arm away and cont to walk.

"Where you going, you're hurt." She loudly said

"Oh now you see me, now you care!" I yell as I stopped and looked at her.

"I come in here nearly beaten half to death, first thing comes out yo damn mouth is getting Markos! I yell again.

"You watch who you talking to, now come on so you can get cleaned up." She said

I shook my head, at her

"No, I'm done...done with this and done with you." I said as I sniff softly.

"What are you talking about?" Mother said

"I'm out, I'm're not my mother never have been, don't even give a damn about me, all you care about is this game and Jhalil." I said.

"I do care." She said

"Since when?" I ask

"Tru, you can't leave." Jhalil said walking towards me.

"Why not, you getting what you always wanted, maybe now she'll adopt you since she cares more  about you than me." I said

I snatch my locket necklace off, and toss it to her feet. She look down at it picked it up her eyes widen a bit. Looked at me

"Don't mean shit to me no more, I'm just dead to you." I said

I turned and walk away. She stood there with water in her eyes.

I was two blocks away leaning against a brick wall. Was too tired and sore. I pulled out my cell and called Nate.

"Sup T"

"Ay...I need..."

"You alright?"

"I need come get me."
My eye lids were getting heavy

"Where are you?"

"12 and second street."

"I'm on my way right now, hold on."

We hung up, Nate got in his truck and made his way to me. I was on the ground leaning against the wall. 

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