Chapter 4

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Came home from school, went in the house, went in the kitchen fixed me a snack and went up to my room.

Sat at my desk and begin doing my homework. After that I had chilled around my room.

*ring* my cell begin going off I looked at it saw it was Tj calling me.

"Sup." I ans

"I see you was enjoying yo punishment." He said,

"Whatever." I chuckle

"Nahh, you feeling the honey." He smirk

"No I'm not." I said

"yes you is, or you would've made someone else show her around." He said

"Or I didn't want ma kicking my ass." I smirk, was straight up lying.

"Right sureee, yo ass like her just admit it." He said

"Change the subject or I'm hanging up." I said, he laughed

After talking to him, I took a oil nap got a long night ahead of me.

I had freshen up and changed clothes. Had on all black, went in my safe and grab my .45, made sure it was loaded, put the safety on and hid it on me. Grabbed my keys and left on out.

Leaning to the side as I had Mary J. Blige playing throughout my car. Pulled up at the warehouse with ten minutes to spare. Parked and walked to the big steel door. Knocked in code the door opened, the guard nod his head at me as I walked in.

Saw a lot of the members here tonight.

I mind as well tell y'all, I'm part of one the most biggest strongest cartels, known as "Azucar" run by my mother. Sad to say i wish I wasn't a part of it, was born into it.

I walked over to the bar, saw Half standing behind it chilling.

"Sup, Ghost." She said as she saw me.

"Sup." I said as we did our handshake.
She fixed me a small drink

"What's up, why we here, matter of fact why am I here." I ask

"Don't know, some foul happened that's all I know." She Ans

I sigh as I took a sip of my drink.
Than my mother walked in with her two body guards, we all quiet down can hear nothing but the sounds of her heels clicking against the floor.

"Y'all come with me." She demanded
We all followed her, I pulled my hood up. Came into a big room.

"Gather around." She said

We all stood around, I lean against the pillar. She begin ranting about some stuff that happened. Found out whose been stealing money and drugs from us.

"Bring his ass out here." Mother loudly said.

Turned our heads saw two members dragging a man out. Saw Jhalil, mother's prodigy son. Always eager to please mother, she's shows more love to him than her own blood daughter... me.

She made us watch the man get beat. I barely watched. But it was hard trying to block out the noise.

I lean off the pillar and walked on out the room. Couldn't take it anymore. Mother made an angry face as she saw me leave.

After about a good 20 minutes the members came out getting ready to leave. Jhalil saw me came up to me.

"sup with you?" he said coming at me

"fuck off, puppet." i said, as i begin walking to leave on out.

"fuck you say to me?" he loudly said

i cont walking as i said "you heard me."

He came rushing towards me, when he got closer i quickly moved and grabbed his arm and body slam him to the ground.

"not in the mood with yo bullshit!" i yell

We begin to fight a bit, than stopped

"knock it off!" my mother shout.

we stood straight had straighten ourselves up, she walked up to us. She begin getting on me for the fight. i looked at her like is she serious. I sigh and walked away had to get on outta there. got in my car and drove on outta there. went for a long drive before i went back to the house.

got there, went up to my room, closed and locked my door. changed clothes and went onto bed.

ended up having another the nightmare the same one i've been having for almost a year.

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