Hunted House - SyndiSparklez

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This is a late halloween special. No, this is not a mianite story, it's a real life fan fiction and also there's a special guess. Stay tune.

Warning: Foul language.


Jordan's Pov

I can't believe I agreed to leave the house to go to a stupid 'hunted' house. They're lucky that Tom asked me. I still can't believe Tom flew here to take a one week off and hang around with us. Craig, Tucker, Tom, Sonja and I are in front of the haunted house.

"Is everybody ready?" Tom asked and we just nodded, Tom looked at me and gave me a smug smile "You can hold my hand if you want Jordan-poo." He pinched my cheek and I just blushed and smack his hand away.

"S-Shut up..." I mumbled and he chuckled walking away.

"You like him, don't you?" Craig sneak behind me making me jump and making me squeal quietly "God damn Jordan, you have lungs to squeal.

"F-fuck you."

"You still haven't answered my question." I blushed and look away "I'll take that as a yes." I turn around and saw a smug smile so I punched his arm lightly and pout "Stop being cute to me and be sexy to Tom."

"S-shut up!" we started to walk inside the haunted house and heard girls screaming, I felt my blood from my face drain.

"Are you scared Jordan-poo? Want to hold my hand until we come out?" I blushed, punched his arm lightly then he chuckled "Come here." he put his arm around me.

"I'm supposed to be the older one here."

"But your scared so it's okay." he said with a smug smile. A flash suddenly popped out of nowhere and I hugged Tom like my life depend on it. I look where the flash came from and it came from Sonja who was smiling with the two idiots behind her. "Woah, we're still in front of the door, we didn't enter yet and your scared." I look up saw a blushing Tom and I push him lightly and smack his chest softly.

"I hate you." I pouted and Tom and the others laughed. The person who we bought tickets from gave us flashlights.

"Come on let's all come in." we entered the house then the doors quickly close making a loud bang and making me jump and hugged Tom.

"Are you alright Jordan?" I shook my head "It's fine," he put his hand on my back and made tiny circles, I can't believe it that it works, it calms me down and he put his arm around me. I can feel Craig, Tucker and Sonja's stare and smile behind me.

"I don't want to ruin your fun guys but we have to go upstairs, the attic then go back here and to the basement then the backdoor, back yard then the cementery." Tucker listed for us and I silently groan "Any reaction pretty princess?"

"Shut up and let's get this over with." I walk first to the stairs and I regret it quickly, I saw a guy standing at the top and I scream and jumped, literally onto someone's arm.

"Are you alright Jordan?" I burried my face to Tom's neck and shook my head "Okay, I'll carry you until we get to the cementery, if that's okay for you?" I just nodded and we started to move and I can feel Tom getting weak so I wiggle out of his arm and stood up and tug his shirt while I'm standing behind him.

"Your getting tired cause I'm fat."

"Your not fat Jordan." he pinched my cheek "You are cute." I blushed and look around, I guess we're in front of the ladder to the attic, I guess I'm going to go down one way or another.

"I'll go first." Craig volunteer. He climbed up and Tucker goes second then Tucker.

"Ladies first." Tom said and I poke my tongue out and smack his chest lightly and climbed up. I look around while pointing the flashlight where was I looking. "Boo." I slap a person behind me that scared me and when I look at that person it was Tom.

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