Not everyone has a happy ending - TomJa

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Tom's POV

I took a glimps to Sonja who was smiling scanning everything. She looked at me with a smile. My heart melt from that amazing smile. It's a smile of an angel. Hey foxes are beautiful but Sonja are the most beautiful one.

"Hey Tom!" I look at her not a glimps but turn around and look at her "Can I scan you?!"

"Uhhhh..." I thought for a moment "Sure? I guess."

"Great!" she scanned me and she jumped up and down "TUCKER!" she shouted and Tucker run to her "Can I scan you?"

"Wooow I run from Jordan to here just to tell me you want to scan me?!" he yelled at her. I want to punch his face to stop him to yell at her but I can't... I heard him sighed "Yeah, sure, okay, I'm sorry for yelling at you." he kissed Sonja and my heart broke.

"Sorry for calling you here..." she scanned him and kiss Tucker on the lips and their lips dance. I want to puke. I walk away from the couple. I saw Jordan who's scanning things.

"Jordan!" I called him and he jumped.

"Oh gosh Tom! Don't scare me like that!"

"I'm not scaring you, I just called your name."

"Whatever." he pouted. He's adorable and cute but he's not my type. I'm pansexual if your asking. But hey I have a little crush on him "Can I scan people?" we walk inside because he's scanning inside the house.

"Yeah, here let me remove my clothes so you can scan me better." I removed my clothes, even my boxers "Scan me Sparkly D*ck!" I saw him blush and scan me. He nodded and I walk to him pinning him on a wall "Maybe I can scan your body like you scan mine." I whispered to him sexually and hot. He started to sweat and blush furiously. He nodded, ha! Knew it! Sparklez is not innocent as you thought! I lock the door and the windows covering it with curtains. I carried my clothes on my shoulders and I also carried Sparklez on my arms "Hey sexy." I wink at him and he blushed. I entered the bedroom and lay him down on the bed, I kiss his lips and he responded. He started to get undress and we kept kissing. I travel my hands down and hold our erection. He moan in our lips. This will be a steamy afternoon.

(Time Skip because I don't want you to read those XD and I'm tooo lazy to write smut right now.)

I look at Sparklez who was sleeping on my chest. I was rough on his. I felt sorry for him if he wakes up but hey he's better bottom because I know he can't top.

I inspect his mouth, his nose, his body, his hips, his abs. He's cute, sexy, hot, gullible, adorable and lovable. "I'll melt if you stare at me." I smiled.

"Sorry if your ass is hurting like a little b*tch." I kiss his forehead. I stare at his eyes "Your eyes are beautiful. Why are you hiding them?"

"I just don't like my eyes." he shrug "They remind me of my father who abused me but hey he's dead." I hugged him tight "Thanks."

"No problem Jerdern."

"Why did you do this?"

"Do what?"

"Use me for your selfish needs." my eyes widen, how would he know that "Tom I was abuse by my father when I was young, I know your look earlier it was lust, pure lust."

"I-I'm sorry Jordan." he sighed.

"It's fine, I'm use to it... Being used that is."

"I'm very sorry Jordan, I don't want you to feel being use." I kissed his forehead. Now I'm feeling guilty. I don't want him to feel like this.

"No, no, it's fine." he sniff and tried to hold his tears. I hug him burrowing his face on my chest and he can't hold it anymore, he let it all out. He cried on my chest.

✓ Mianite One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora