Until Dawn - SyndiSparklez

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Before you say "This is a rip off of Until Dawn the game!" well it's not and you'll see what's the difference and it's only the title not the plot, okay?

Now let's start the story.


Sparklez's POV

I walk around my room thinking what should I do. I made a mistake for doing something and now, I kinda like it but I kinda regret it! I'm so confused!


*Ring Ring*

I woke up, took my alarm clock and throw it across the room. I tried to sleep again but failed so I stood up and walk to the bathroom and took a shower. I brush my teeth and put on some clothes. I went downstairs and went to the kitchen and saw a note, I took it and read it.

'Good morning Sparklez. Sorry I'm not in the house again but I will make it up to you if I ever have a chance. Here's your money for the week.'

I sighed and took my money which is 30 dollars. For the week 30 dollars. I took the keys of my car and the house and went to the garage. I drove to school, for 20 minutes I arrived at school. I park my car in my spot, which is clearly mine because I have a name on it and it's far away from the others. I got out of my car and saw the old looking car where it's usual spot. It might be old but I dig it. I took out my phone and look what time is it and it's 7:40 and my class starts at 8:30 so I went to the back of the school and saw down on the grass leaning down to a tree.

"Hey." I turn to my right and saw Tom, the jock of the school but he's not a bully nor rude, he's just, well, him. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"And your not?" I replied back and sound rude "Sorry if I sound rude."

"No you didn't sound rude." He sat down next to me "You seem quite to like this spot."

"Yeah," I smiled at him, he's a chill dude "I'm at ease here and I can relax." he leans to the tree.

"Now you said it, I'm kinda liking myself here." he close his eyes, 2 minutes passed without talking he was lightly snoring. I look up and suddenly felt my left shoulder getting heavier, I look at my shoulder and saw Tom's head on my shoulder. I look at the time and it's 7:59. I sighed and felt my leg getting heavier. I saw Tom getting comfortable sleeping so he laid down and make my leg a pillow, great I'm fat now. "Your not fat."


"Your not fat now quiet I'm trying to sleep, you know what lay down with me." I lay down next to him, he put his head chest so I opened my arms below Tom, not Tom's below. "Don't move or I'll do something to you." He hugs me and continue sleeping. What the freak is happening? I look what time it is and it's 8:01, time, please be faster. I suddenly felt my eyes getting heavy and black out.

*2 hours later*

I woke up and still see a sleeping Tom on my chest. Wait, a sleeping Tom on my chest?! I look at the time and it's 10:03. (Yay I can math XD.) "Tom wake up!"

"Shush! Be quiet we're in the library!"

"We're not and we're skipping class!"


"My grades are depending on my attendance!"


"So I can know what's the lesson!"

"Fine but I want you to come to my party tonight."

"Yeah, sure, whatever now can you please get up?" he stood up and pulls me up. "Thanks."

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