Incest - Mot x Tom

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WARNING: This one shot has a love scene on it. If you don't like those then you shouldn't read this and just silently read other stuff that these. You have been warned.

Tom's POV

"Tom!" I turn around and saw Sparklez with a bouquet of flowers. I blushed because I thought that it was for me. "Have you seen Waglington?" My smile turns into a frown.

"He's at his house."

"Thanks." he smiles and run to Wag's house. Why can't I have things that I want? I've been a good and bad, I am balanced but why can't I have nice things? Maybe Mot's right, maybe I should stick to being evil, since I'm very good at being evil. I went back home and saw Mot in the living room.

"Hi Tom."

"Hi Big Bro."

"How's your day?" I walk to the living room and sat beside him. I look down and start fiddling my fingers. "Not so good huh?" I nod and he just sighed. "You know what's going to cheer you up?" I look at him who was smiling like a kid. "Ice cream." I can feel my eyes sparkling when he said ice cream. "There we go," he stood up and took two small cups of ice cream. "Here ya go."

"Thanks bro." I hugged him and he hugs back.

"No problem Tom, anything for you."

Mot's POV

I look at Tom eating his ice cream like a kid. "You're like a kid when you eat ice cream."

"Shush, I want to eat this ice cream in peace!" I laugh and eat a spoon of ice cream. He looks at me with ice cream all over his lips. He's so... Lickable. Woah, I'm his brother! I shouldn't think about that.

"Hey Tom?"


"You got ice cream all over-"


"You know what," I lean to him and lick his lips, when my tongue disconnect to his lips I can see his eyes going wide. "There." I look at the time and stood up. "Well I'm going to do my project, see ya soon." I lied.

Tom's POV

Mot lick my lips. MY FREAKING BROTHER LICK MY LIPS! I can feel my cheeks heating up. I look at my almost empty ice cream and stare at it. I know I have ice cream all over my lips but why would he lick my lips? Why? Too many questions! I can't answer them without my brother! I finish my ice cream and wash my lips but his tongue is so warm, soft. Woah! I'm his sibling! I shouldn't think that we're going to be together! It's wrong, extremely wrong! I somehow find myself in front of my brother's bedroom and I was about to knock, well here goes nothing.

I knocked "Hey Mot, you there?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm busy though." I heard a hint of a lie in his voice.

"Uh, okay, well I'm coming in anyways."

"Wait no!" I opened the door and saw my brother jerking off on his bed, he's HUGE! Extremely huge! I mean the length and the girth. I felt my cheeks burning and I immediately closed the door.

"Sorry!" I'm guessing he's not lying, I swear I heard a lie in his tone. Well he's busy but not in the project though. I ran to my room and locked it. I put a chair just to be sure, I does work. I tried it, once and Wag cried when we were little. Well I think I should think about something else instead of my brother.

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