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-two weeks later-

"Can I hold her? Can I hold her?"

They were home now. After almost three weeks in the hospital, the doctor has given them the okay to take the baby home. Of course she's still small but she's very healthy; and that's all they could ask for.

"Okay, sit down." Knox giggles a bit before getting up on the couch next to Morgan. The baby has just eaten so she's calm.

She lays the baby in his arms carefully, and makes a few adjustment before letting go completely. Seeing his face light up in wonder is something to be happy about because sometimes siblings hate younger ones. But Knox isn't that kind of kid, nor does he have any kind of hate for her.

He's fascinated.

"She's small mommy."

"I know, that means she needs a lot of protecting. Can you do that big brother?"

"Yes." He says at once, ready to take on the challenge. The baby starts crying all of a sudden and he tries to comfort her before frowning.

"Here I'll take her. She probably needs to burp." He carefully took her from their son before putting her on his shoulder and starting to pat her back.

"Why she cry mommy? What did I do?" Knox sort of whimpers.

"You didn't do anything bub, she's a baby so she tends to cry out of nowhere." Morgan soothes but Knox is already upset. Now they have two crying kids.

"I didn't mean to hurt her." He cries, rubbing his eyes.

"You didn't. It's okay, I promise." He's on Morgan's lap, his face buried in her neck.

"It's okay, I promise. You're fine."

She looks up at him and they sort of exchange the same thought.

It begins.



She's strewn across the couch; her head in Colin's lap as he runs his fingers through her hair. She's tired, not from the kids or just getting from the hospital that day. But genuinely tired.

"You know, when we got married did you think we'd have two kids by the third year?"

"I don't know. I never really thought about it too much. I knew we would have kids sometime. It did scare me though, after the miscarriage."

"We've come a long way. You know, since I suckered you into marrying me." He chuckled.

"They warned me. And there I was, shocked that so many people spoke up when they asked who objected." She giggles, looking up at him.

"But you went along with it."

"I did. Unfortunately, I happen to like you a lot. It makes me sick." He teased.

"It's because I'm funny."

"You're not funny at all."


"No. I give you pity laughs."

"Well I only like you for your tattoos and your muscles." She shot back.

"Well that's good because I only like you for your tattoos and your boobs. Win-win situation."

"Fine with me pretty boy."

Between Us(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now