Chapter 43-Family Ties

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Hook brought a jar of glittering dust out on to the deck.

"Sparkly dirt, wonderful." Emma commented.

"Darling this is pixie dust. This is what will allow the Jolly Roger to fly." He replied.

"Let me guess, second star to the right and straight on til morning?"

"Precisely." He commented causing Emma to roll her eyes.

"Why do you have pixie dust just lying around?" Regina asked.

"Pan let me keep it after we made a deal."

"Keep it?- So you stole it first?" David puzzled together.

"Technically yes, but it's a long story that we don't have time for." Hook said absentmindedly while starting to climb up to the crow's nest. When he reached to top, he scattered the dust over the ship. A cloud of green enveloped the vessel before it began to lift off the water. The crew below were visibly shaken during the boat's assent. "I suggest you grab hold of something!" Hook sang from above.

"Woah." Henry commented as he peered over the edge of the ship.

Hook wrapped his hand around a nearby line of the ship and quickly slid down to the main deck and confidently strode to the helm. He spun the wheel round and round before he precisely stopping it with his hook. For all of the credit Hook didn't receive from Storybrooke residents, no one could argue that he wasn't a damn good Captain. It was something else to watch him in his native habitat at the helm of a grand vessel. On the way to Neverland, no one dared interrupt the Captain as his skillfully maneuvered the Jolly Roger through the clouds.

* * *

"Brace for impact everyone!" Hook yelled as the ship quickly sped towards the waters of Neverland. The boat crashed into the waves forcefully, but everyone and the vessel seemed to be intact. After the ship calmed in the waters, Hook announced, "Welcome to Neverland!"

"Why is it so dark here? We left during the afternoon and traveled for no more than two hours." Regina asked.

"Well it's the morning here. Sunrise shouldn't be far off. Don't worry, we'll have daylight soon. At least you will have sunlight, I remember when Neverland was constantly dark." Hook assured her.

"Why was it always dark here?" Henry inquired.

"Pan's heart is tethered to all of Neverland. When darkness had consumed him, the island lost its light, but when he turned away from darkness, light was once again restored."

"What changed him?"

"Someone very special." Hook smiled.

"Was it my sister?"

"Indeed it was lad."


Peter shot up in his bed. Since your head was resting on his chest, you were startled awake as you fell onto the bed.

"What's wrong Peter?" You tried to calm him by placing your hand on his chest as it raised and fell rapidly.

"Someone's here."

"Did the shadow bring someone?"

"No it's- it's more than just one person. There are several intruders."

"Intruders or visitors?"

"If they're not invited, then they are intruding on my island." He answered.

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