Chapter 11-Must Like You

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Back at camp you found Bucky sitting and staring at the core of the blazing campfire.

"I never would have taken the shot." You assured him while taking the place beside him.

"I know you'd never willingly; however, Pan doesn't like anyone stopping his games. It's a good thing Felix came in for you to shoot an arrow at him instead of me. That idiot deserved it."

"Yeah I agree. I really want to get good enough with a bow so that I can pin him to a tree. I don't mean to hit him, just make him a little afraid. Wow I'm a terrible person."

Bucky started laughing really hard at your plans. "No, you're alright."

"I should tell you that Peter told me he wasn't going to make me take the shot at you."

"Firstly I doubt he was telling the truth, and second, you can't call him by his first name."

"He's not the monster everyone claims he is. I told you he could change back to Peter. Bucky I even gave the mission a name!" You said louder than intended.

"Operation Mongoose is a stupid mission name."

"Shut up it's perfect, and Operation Make Pan Nice Peter Again doesn't have the same ring or inconsipiousness."

"Point taken."

"Perhaps I should tell you he doesn't mind when I call him Peter. I just can't call him that in front of anyone else." Then you grabbed an apple from his pack and took a bite.

"Pan must like you." That single sentence made you choke on your bite of apple. "You okay there?"

Amidist your coughing spasm you strained out, "Yeah....I'm okay.....but um..." Then you finally got ahold of yourself, "What exactly do you mean by like?"

"Pan always has a favorite Lost Boy, and it's clearly not Felix anymore. I've just never seen him act the way he does around you."

"Yeah that's what I thought you meant." You covered.

Bucky looked confused but then turned and eyed you supciously, "I know what you were thinking."

"No you don't."

"Yeah I do. You wanted to think that Pan has developed feelings for you."

"Shut up Bucky. Shut up please."

Before Bucky could speak up again, Peter walked through the camp. Your gaze followed him, but the trance was broken by Bucky laughing again at you.

"Stop it." You nudged him back.

"I'm happy my assumptions were confirmed today."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I figured you had feelings for him a while ago. People including me told you he was evil, but you refused to accept that."

"True." You admitted nodding.

"Also, you think I don't see the yearning looks and doey eyes?"

"I don't yearn."

"Biggest lie ever told. You were staring at him literally a minute ago." You simply nodded in acceptance. You had been caught.

"If you tell anyone, I will take you down."

"That'll be difficult. I definitely have more training than you, and you said you didn't like to train in anything but archery."

"Well, we'll see how good I can get with Peter training me."


"He promised he'd train me soon."

"You're his favorite no doubt." Bucky admitted causing you to slightly blush which Bucky immediately saw and smirked knowingly at. That earned him a punch in the arm.



Do you guys like the story at all? I like my ideas, but I don't think I'm doing great at writing the story, so sorry for that. Anyway to anyone who reads my story, thank you so much! :)

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