My hands started shaking as I continued reading. Agnes was dying? She was sick and no one realised it, not even Harry. I couldn't believe it how well she hid it, it was now that I realised that the smile she always carried with her was just a mask. It really is scary what a smile can hide.

It made my heart ache knowing that she wrote this letter to me, someone she barely knew. It meant that she cared about me, truly. She was planning to give me this when I left, but she died earlier and now here I was with a letter in my hands that I shouldn't had read just yet.

I have been observing you and Harry very closely and I have realised a few things. Things that you ignore or are too scared to admit to yourself. You pretend that you don't care and you think that you have everybody fooled. Well, not me. I can see right through, Angelina. Now matter how much you try to deny it, I know that you care about him as much as he cares about you. I know what love looks like, I have experienced it. I have seen the way he looked at you, you challenged him, you were unpredictable and so stubborn and as much as he tried to hide it he secretly loved it. And now you are gone. I'm not asking much from you. What I'm asking you to do is admit that you love him. I know you do. Don't lie to yourself, that's my advice. Admit the truth. I know that Harry is a damaged young man but this is the best part of falling for someone, Angelina, you don't get to choose. It just happens. You love him, don't you?
Then, please, tell him.

A tear slipped from the corner of my eye without me noticing. All those moments of me fighting with him and crying replayed in my head and I understood what Agnes was trying to tell me. Despite all the times he hurt me or did something wrong I never gave up on him, I tried to understand him and somehow always forgave him. One simple touch or kiss from him and I wasn't myself anymore.

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