Chapter 1

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"Luke! Would you turn that the hell down? I'm trying to study!" I yell, annoyed. No answer. I sigh dramatically and storm across the hallway. I bang on the door. "Open up!"

After a couple minutes, Luke opens the door and leans against the frame. He looks down at me. "What do you want?"

"Can you please turn the music down? I'm trying to finish my homework and I can't hear myself think!" I yell over the music.

He rolls his eyes and turns it down. "You're listening to music in there! I heard it!"

"Yeah but mine isn't so loud that it friggen overpowers yours."

"But it's annoying. Mine's better."

"I'm literally listening to the same artists."

"Plus some."

"Yeah, so? I like Blink and Nickleback."

"Whatever. Yeah, I'll turn it down, but I'm practicing as soon as I'm done with my homework."

"Cool. Just give me a half hour."

"Sure. You practicing with me?"

"If you want. Come get me when you're done."

"Yep." Luke shuts the door and I go back to my room.

I turn my music back on, turning it up slightly, but not too much so he'll complain. I finish up my homework, then write a little bit. After a few minutes, Luke's music shuts off and there's a knock at my door. "It's open!" I yell and save my story, then pause the music and close my laptop.

"Ready?" He asks.


We make our way to the upstairs room in the garage. I take a seat at my drum set and pull my hair up as Luke gets his guitar ready. "Okay, you pick first this time."

"Sweet." I start playing the beginning of one of the songs I was just listening to. Luke joins in and I start to sing. "Hey, girl, you know you drive me crazy

one look puts the rhythm in my hand.

Still I'll never understand why you hang around

I see what's going down.

Cover up with makeup in the mirror

tell yourself, it's never gonna happen again

You cry alone and then he swears he loves you."

Luke joins in, singing the chorus loudly. "Do you feel like a man when you push her around?

Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?

Well, I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's gon' to end

as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found."

When we finish the song, Luke grins at me. "I heard you jamming that song earlier. I knew you would pick it."

"You don't know shit." I laugh. "Your turn."

Luke plays the opening chords to a familiar Nickelback song and begins singing. "Never made it as a wise man

Couldn't make it as a poor man stealing.

Tired of living like a blind man

Sick of sight without a sense of feeling

And this is how you remind me."

I join in on the drums, letting him sing until the chorus, where I add my voice to his. We play a couple more songs, then our mom walks up into the garage. "Hey, kids!" She smiles and waves. "Sounding good, but it's time for bed. Tomorrow's Friday, so you can stay up all night. But it's a school night, pick up and come inside please." She says happily and leaves. She's always so supportive.

Luke and I pick up the garage a little bit then head inside. He gives me an akward one-armed hug and we go to our seperate rooms, which are right across the hall from each other. I open up my laptop and shut everything down, then plug it in and change into pajamas. I plug my phone in, check social media, then go to bed.

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