9. I don't like you like that

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It's been about three days and Cameron still hasn't spoken to me. Dean is Also upset with me for not standing up for myself and he said that I let Cameron bully me, so I haven't really been speaking to either of them. I've become really close with Taylor, even though we have nothing in common he is still fun to hang out with even Aaron....I know I hate his dad but Aaron is cool.

I'm not sure if Taylor is liking me more than friends but yesterday he tried kissing me- on the lips; as he was leaning forward Dean walked into the room and it got really awkward so Taylor left, leaving me alone with Dean who pretended to go to sleep.

Were leaving LA tomorrow afternoon and I think Bart said were going to Chicago....I'm not sure.

I'm walking around the hotel and I spot Taylor "Hey!" I wave to him

"Hey....where's Dean at?" He asks me, looking around the hallway

"I don't know why?"

He shrugs "I just figured since he likes you that he would be a little more protective over you considering that your in a hotel inhabitated with many guys."

"I don't understand.. are you saying that Dean likes me?"

"Are you serious? You did not know that he likes you?" Taylor aks

"Dean doesn't like me in that way."

"Of course he likes you- He LOVES you. You might not notice the way he stares at you when you walk into the room or how his face lights up when someone says your name in a conversation but I do....and I would like to apologize for yesterday... I shouldn't of tried to kiss you, it was wrong of me and I'm sorry."

"Taylor I have no idea what you are talking about, Dean and I are bestfriends. I want nothing more than that and neither does he."

Taylor smirks "if your so sure about that,then let's go ask him." He starts walking towards mine, Mahoganys and Dean's hotel room and I follow.

When we walk in Mahogany is asleep and Dean is nowhere in sight but his luggages are packed by the door. "Where's he going?" I ask Taylor

He smirks "I don't know, he's your bestfriend."

I roll my eyes "Dean! Are you in here?"

Mahogany stirs in her sleep and sees me and Taylor "oh hey guys.." she stretches and yawns "my hair isn't, flat is it?"

"Mahogany where's Dean?" I ask her

"He left." She says quietly.

"he left?" I ask. She nods. "Where did he leave to? Did he say when he's getting back?"

"He went back home....He asked me to tell Bart to ship his stuff back.... He said he isn't coming back on tour." She looks like she's about to throw up

"Are you alright mahogany?" Taylor asks

"Yeah I'm fine...." she says

Now I recognize that look, she isn't telling me something. She's hiding something from me. And it's killing her inside.

"Mahogany what's wrong? Did Dean say anything else?" I ask

She sits up in bed and stares at me. "It was upsetting to hear, and I'm not the person who should be upset, considering the message I'm supposed to just say, so I know it's gonna be upsetting for you to hear." She pats the bed "Sit..."

I look at Taylor and he looks upset, he nudges me to the bed and he sits down "Sit." I sit by him

"What else did Dean say?" I ask Mahogany

She takes a deep breath "Dean told me and I quote I thought she liked me back, I really did. She's the only reason why I came here and to see her with Taylor is upsetting, if I didn't walk in on them yesterday would there almost kiss been more and went farther then just a kiss? Would she of stopped Taylor and not even kiss him? I love Cathy MORE than just friends, I don't know if the feelings are mutual but if they are then it's too late, I'll be back home. I would love to wait here for when she gets back from hanging out with Taylor but I'm too upset. Mahogany I know you can't hear me because your asleep but hopefully you can
tell Catherine that I love her, that I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye and tell her not to leave this tour, Mahogony please tell her that she NEEDS to rekindle her relationship with Cameron, it's the only reason why she came here......"

"Well that's alot to process at once." Taylor says

"Wait you were asleep when he told you all of this?" I ask her

She shakes her head "Uhhhh No."

"So you didn't have to tell me everything? You just did?"I ask. She shakes her head.

"I felt like you should've known anyways." She tells me

"Thank you for telling me...everything." I tells her "I need to call him."

Taylor stands up and looks upset "Wha-Why?"

"Calm down, I need to talk to him." I pull out my phone and call him.

Its ringing. Its ringing. And decline.

"Well?" Taylor says

"He declined my call...."

Taylor looks pleased and gives me a sympathetic look.
Why is Dean acting like this? I'm trying to make things right and he is declining my calls.

If he keeps acting like this much longer then I'll stop trying.

"Stop being Overprotective!" Cameron Dallas twinWhere stories live. Discover now