Chapter Fifteen

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'Benjamin!' I giggled.

You smiled at me before opening the lids on the paint tubs. I laid our white shirts down on the grass and grabbed some paint brushes.

Handing you a brush, you kissed my cheeks before starting to count down.

'3...' you started.




We dipped the tips of our paint brushes into the yellow paint before flicking it onto the white shirts.

I went for the green paint after that, flicking it onto my shirt and then onto yours.

'Hey! What if I didn't want green paint on mine, huh?' you smirked.

'Oh please, green is your favourite colour. You don't fool me for a second.'

'Oh really?' you said, slyly.

'Yes really,' I attempted to smirk back at you but failed miserably.

'Oh my gosh, you're so cute,' you said.

'Shut up,' I deadpanned, trying not to smile.

Instead, I plunged my brush into the blue paint and flicked it towards you.

I squealed, laughing as you wiped the paint off your face and then dipping your brush into the red.

Then the war started.

We flicked paint back and forth, until there was more paint on us than the shirts.

I collapsed on the grass, exhausted.

I laid on my back and looked up at the sky, and eventually you did the same next to me.

You intertwined our fingers and squeezed gently.

Absentmindedly, as you stared up at the sky, you said 'do you ever just love someone so much you can't breathe properly?'

'Yeah,' I said, softly.

'I'm so in love with you, Danielle. So in love and I can't even describe it.'


Hey lovelies!

I am so so so so so so so sooooooooo sorry for not updating for almost a whole month! Firstly, school has been so busy and time-consuming lately, I have literally been on my feet constantly and secondly, my computer died so that really just added to the inconvenience of the problem!

Anyway, here is a cute update of Benjamin and Danielle and I hope you enjoy! Writing about them makes me so happy, they are adorable. Let me know what you think in the comments!!

And, on a side note, I am absolutely obsessed with Adele's new song Hello, it's amazing.

Sorry for such a long wait but be prepared for more frequent updates over the week!

Lots of love xx

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