Chapter Thirteen

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Every relationship has its problems. Even ours did, Benjamin.

I remember our first fight.

I remember feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket and my ringtone interrupting our conversation.

We were sitting on my apartments couch, talking softly about the future.

I quickly kissed your lips and pulled away, only to see a smile stretch across your cheeks as I answered my phone.

'Hello?' I answered, smiling over at you.

The person on the other end of the phone was silent.

'Hello...?' I strung out.

'Is this Danielle?' a voice spat through into phone.

'Y-yes, this is Danielle speaking. Who's this?'

'Listen, Danielle. Meet me tonight, at 10:30pm, in the alleyway beside the Buzz Café. I don't care who you think you are... but you better show up. Got it?'

'Yes, m-may I ask who this is?' I asked, shyly.

'Call me Lexi. And, don't tell anyone about this, not even lover boy.'

And then they hung up.

I looked over at you, my mind spinning with ideas.

'Who was that?' you asked, rather bitterly.

'Benjam-,' I started but you cut me off.

'Are you seeing someone else?!' you whisper-shouted, suddenly backing away from me.

'No! No, Benjamin. I'm not!'

'Then who was that, huh?' you said, looking away and running out the door.

'Benjamin! Please, listen!' I cried, letting the door slam behind me as I bolted after you.

You stopped in the middle of the road and turned around, looking at me.

I stopped on the edge of the road.

'Truthfully, Benjamin. I have no idea who the hell that was. But, please, let me sort this out by myself. I promise, I am not with anyone else. I love you and only you.'

You walked slowly towards me, away from the road.

'Do you promise?' you asked, warily.

'I promise. Plus, it sounded like a female voice anyway.'

I giggled and you ran towards me, dipping your lips down onto mine.

And, for a moment, my nerves for the night ahead of me disappeared and were replaced with butterflies.

Oh, Benjamin. I wish I could kiss you again.

Just one more time.

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