Chapter One

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I believe in fate. I mean, I like to think we all meet people throughout our lives for certain reasons. I like to think we have soulmates, we have destined best friends and destined enemies. We have some that come to teach us and some that come to stay but when I met you, Benjamin, I wasn't so sure.

It was a beautiful spring morning, the birds chirping to their own songs and the leaves on the same trees were rustling overhead. It was somewhat calming, a quiet sign of joy for those strolling the streets early morning. I walked towards my favourite coffee shop in town, a small industrial shop tucked away between apartments. I approached the café's door, grabbing hold of the handle as you pushed it open, resulting in both of us managing to run ungracefully into each other.

At first, you wore an adorable panicked expression as you had just spilt your coffee all over my new top. But you weren't to know it was new, and was not to blame either. But still, that didn't stop your eyebrows from knitting themselves together as you searched for words to say.

'I'm s-so sorry -' you had said. You started mumbling your apology nervously and your cute dimples appeared. I started to giggle. I couldn't help myself, you seemed so innocent and I couldn't resist.

'It's okay,' I answered. 'I should probably go get a few napkins though.'

'No! No, I'll go get some. I'm so sorry,' you said, hurrying back into the café.

You appeared a minute later with a handful of napkins. Handing them to me, I smiled graciously, wiping away at the coffee stains.

You watched me with an intense stare, your green eyes gleaming. They twinkled in the early sunlight, mesmerising me. My breath caught slightly in my throat as I watched you from the corner of my eyes. You fiddled with your fingers anxiously and you bit down firmly on your bottom lip. You were one of a kind, Benjamin.

I smiled at you when I had done the best I could, but the brown stain was still visible on my deep blue tee-shirt.

'I'm terribly sorry,' you repeated.

'I know but it's totally fine. I'm Danielle.'

'Benjamin,' you said confidently, sticking your hand out to shake mine.

I smiled and picked up my purse from the ground.

'I should be off, Benjamin. Maybe I will see you around,' I said to be polite, though I doubted we would ever cross paths again.

'Wait! Here, take these, you need them more than me,' you laughed, handing me the last two napkins as a small lopsided grin inched up your cheeks.

'Thank you,' I smiled back at your kindness, still silently swooning over your gorgeous laugh.

With that, I turned away. And even though I thought you had only handed me the napkins so you did not have to carry them, I flipped them over to find a hand scrawled address and phone number.

Oh Benjamin, we were so far from over.


I really hope everyone enjoys this story! I was so very excited to post it because it is so beautiful. Updating should also be quite quicker in this story because the chapters are only short! Please share this story with others, and don't forget to vote, comment and follow!

Lots of love xox

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