Target 28: TYL Varia Version (Adriane's Mission 2)

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2 Days had past~

''YESSSSSSSS! I HAD FINALLY SEE THIS MT. ARIA! Ok for now.....Xanxus said the monster show up in 9:00 in the full moon.....perfect timing it is 8:45 in the night and i guess the moon is being covered by clouds......i wonder what are those idiots doing.....'' i signed...


''uSHISHISHI....This is your fault Superbi Squalo..... *veins pop out*''<----Bel-kun

''I think Adriane-senpai is so angry at you, long hair commander....''<----Fran

'V-VRAI! It was just a joke! It her fault from taking it seriously *still guilty!*'' <----Squalo

''Mu~ if she just catch the monster so it can eat you mu~''

''Ugh.... *soooo guilty*;; <---Squalo

''My my dear.....If she is not here after 5 or 6 days we should do something...'' <---Lussuria

''You mean to tell Bossu?'' <----Levi

''Yep! That's my point!'' <----Lussuria

~~~ patience is running out....''

ROAR! huh? Is this a dragon's roar? It is familiar..... and the voice is in the woods so i followed it ofcourse -w-...and i saw the dragon attacking some 2 hunters...

''ROARrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!''  (It's your all ur faults human! That's why my other friend died!!!''


Note from author: Adriane has a dragon blood as i said earlier..... because of this, she can communicate to dragons i mean it is like this:

In simple human or guardians hearing: the dragon just roared

To adriane's hearing: the dragon is somehow talking....


''eh?'' then the hunters are being killed with this dragon.....

''ROAR! (Stay way if you don't want to get hurt)

'' Adriane of the dragons....''as i show him the ring wo he can believe me.....

''What are you doing here, majesty?''

''Are you the one who killed these hunters...''

''Yes, i killed them because they killed my dragon friends too....''

''ah...'' anger flowed me rude and troublesome they did!

''Don't worry i will handle it....'' i said and do the ritual..

''Dragon of the dead and underworld....let every bad peoples who had a evil plan of this forest die, even one step....'' and some claws of the dragons had appeared in the soil and take the  dead body of the hunters.....

''Yes, your majesty....'' ilook to the dragn and said:

''Don't worry now..... they will be charged here, nothing gonna happen bad in this forest ever again

(take note the  Dragon of the dead and underworld are 5 dragons! Don't get mistaken that its is only one ok? So that means of of th 5 dragons are in charge here ok?)

''Thank you so much, my majesty...'' and it went to it's original home somewhere in this forest....

Peoples are like bubbles, Whatever they do and what techniques they use, they will die and dissapear.....


''Ushishisi....let's tell boss now so Superbi will die earlier....''

''That's so mean Bel-senpai ...*stabbed* ah....''

''Mu~ where does she gotten to?''

''VRAI! I-It's not my fault! *worrying and still guilty*'' It is just a mistake you scum-''


''Im back~~~~~~~~~'' i said.

''ADRIANE-CHAN!'' <----Lussuria...

''IM GLAD YOU GOT HOME ALIVE, SCUM'' *pat adriane's head* <----Squalo

''Heh, ofcourse....''

''Ushishishi....i missed the princess!''

''.... *veins pop out*'' <---me

''So why do you slam the door Adriane-senpai?''

''Eh? I just slam it since Squalo-san is so loud...''

''VRAI! YOU MAKE ME WORRI)ED *Breathes heavily*

''Oh about that....can i talk to boss for a moment?.'' (not feeling jealous anymore)


I explained everything to boss first he was like:

''Boss, i didn't capture the monster bacau-''


''C-calm down boss....''

then when i finished explaining things he was like:

'' *breathes heavily* fine then, you may go now scum!'' that was scary! though i was going to die....

''I wonder did Sakura-sama had told to my younger self? ''

(KHR) Belphegor In Love?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora