Target 25: Show down part 1

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As Azumi bring out her five dragon who came from her box weapon who's size is like eagle's .....

''Ha..... you won't ever win with my Red Lantern Dragons...'' dragonS she said..... that was a little dragon never will beat mine....

''Oh really? We see about that....'' and i tear my skin in the left arm of mine which blood come out..... and it fell of the floor of course, what did you expect? That will come out flying? (LOL) And i cast a spell......

''Oh dragon of the night, Kairos....please lend me your powers, just for a little while....'' and as the blood leacked more in the floor it is very huge though....looks like a bloody pool to me.... and the blood i just leacked form into a dragon whose size is like the entire base, it was enormous.... Actually Kairos is my favorite dragon....i always use him in battles mostly....

''Young master....'' the dragon with a heavy voice said.....

''CAMBIO FORMA! (Form Change!)'' i said.... I also used that, not only the Vongolas..... and the dragon turned into a lovely scythe (more bigger than before) and has a dragon that is swirling around it. And it usually combine with my becomes an spiky one, but still a wings ok?

''Che....nothings greater with my dragon.....'' and it attacked me. I do not dodge or move in front of her i just swing my scythe at least 10x and it attack those small dragons....

''.....!!!'' she again change the dragon in to a big one but still my dragon is the best!!! *approve!*

''Oh? So using the Snow dragon?''

''Who did you know?''

''Haha...ofcourse, im the real one after all....'''

''And the fake is just in my front....'' im going to move forward but the dragon attack with it's cold breathe....

''Tsk.....lame...'' i said. i created a big barrier which no one can interfere......


''Ushishishi....why so curious? Do u really wanna know the guardian or let's just say priincess of the dragon's power?''

''Isn't obvious! All this time...she never gets in full power....''


''A R E? Creating a barrier so no one will interfere our battles? Sound sweet....''

''Don't think about it.....'' As i quickly make some few illusions jus few okay? So I make another me in my position the real me is still invisible now.....going to attack the dragon then attack Azumi....

''....?!'' eh? The dragon noticed the real me?plan failed *facepalm*


''I wonder what is happening over there~''

''.......'' <----Bel (worrying)

''VRAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?????!'' <-------stupidy and idiocy strikes again!

''If we just believe in the first place......'' <-----Xanxus

''?!'' <-----everyone (doesn't expect Xanxus will worry about her....)

''Xanxus are you in-'' <----Mammon

''SHUT THE HELL UP TRASH! Im just worried since she's the only female here.....tsk....'' <Xanxus...

''Ushishishi.....i wonder how many hours will it take....''

''And i wonder how many money will be pay after the disasters...'' <-----Mammon


''Arg.....'' just got worse......''

''AHAHAHA! You just said i have no match for you? AHAHAHA!'' .....

''Really, how much do you know about me?''

''EVERYTHING! The way you react when your senpai Saito died, the way how you beat Jack, and especially the way you love those crappy animes!'' 

''.....'' <----Adriane *vein pops in the head*


''.....!'' <----Adriane*2 veins popped out* that's it....

''Nee, did you really beieve Saito died because of an accident? What a fool....''

'' Saito-senpai......''

''Do you even remember the news paper you say in your mail box?'s an fake one! HE DIED BECAUSE I KILL HIM!'' Dragon eye stage 3.... i can tell she's telling the truth...


So guys, how is it?





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