I know that you will steal every girl's heart and I wished I could have been there to embarrass you in front of your friends but I can't. And the reason is because I love you. Love is so powerful and I hope one day you will find the right girl for you. Just don't break this girl's heart.

Dylan, take care and grow up to become a kind boy. I love you Dylan and always will, no matter where I am.

Love, Daddy.

P.S. Mummy told me your favourite superhero is batman, mine is as well. I love you, my little Batman."

Just as I finished reading, Dylan's eyelids closed.

"You won't have anymore nightmares as long as I'm here." I whispered.

He nodded slightly before mumbling, "Don't leave me, I don't want nightmares."

My hand brushed over his forehead, "Never Dylan. I'll never leave you as long as you don't leave me."

He couldn't respond as he finally fell into a peaceful slumber. No more nightmares to scare the little boy and no more nightmares to wake me up. For tonight anyway.


Today was the day. It was Saturday, the day I earn the gang's trust. I was going to sell some drugs.

I had my phone in my pocket, Zach was on the line. He could hear everything going on through the speaker on his side of the phone, a precaution he set - I wouldn't have been able to sell the shit without this rule - even though there was no need for this 'safety measure'. He was parked a couple roads down anyway.

He didn't seem to be convinced when I told him I could protect myself and if I couldn't do that I could run. Simple. And who would be dumb enough not to have protection on them anyway.

My hand skimmed over the gun hidden in the waistline of my skinny jeans, making sure it was still there, then to the phone in my pocket that I could hear Zach's voice through.

"Are you sure you still want to do this? You can still back out."

"Yes, goddammit! Now shut up before I turn this piece of shit off." I whispered harshly.

"Hey, don't make me come down there. You're lucky I even agreed to this."

"Me? Lucky? You're the one that's going to be thankful once this is over. I'm getting you more money than what you told him he was paying."

I heard a sigh before he answered, "Yeah, yeah. If you're in any trouble just shout and I'll hear you. Oh shoot! I completely forgot about weapons, I'm not letting you go without-" I cut him off.

"I'm covered, already got them on me. Now shut up. I'm going to go."

"Be careful." He replied and I didn't hear a sound out of him. Good.

I checked the time on my watch. 2 minutes until 19:00, I guess I should start walking. As I did, I fisted the strap of my bag hanging over my shoulder and took the crumpled piece of paper out of my back pocket.

I reached the alley and stopped when I saw two men pointing guns at me. Not liking the feeling of Zach listening in, I switched the end button on my phone.

The two guys walked closer to me, but they were still in the shadows so I couldn't see their faces.

Unfazed by the guns pointed at me, I walked closer to them.

"You're on your own, right?" A deep voice sounded from the man on the left.

I nodded, "Yup."

I couldn't make out their features completely but I did notice the one on the right frown.

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