"You talk, to my ex boyfriend, about me? What the hell?!" I scream, grabbing my hairbrush from the bathroom counter and slamming it to the ground, just needing something to throw.

"Rachel?!" Harry sounds through the door, jingling the locked doorknob.

"Tell me you haven't told him where I am, mother. Tell me! Dammit I swear.." I threaten.

"No! No, of course not, I respected that unusual request of yours."

"Mother," I grit my teeth, "if you have any decent damn bone in your body, you will stop talking to him. Do it for me. Let me live my damn life too, if you love me any, care about my well being at all, you'll let me be, and just do your job as a parent. Just, support me, love me, and do not be so judgmental!"

"Of course we support you, but limiting it to that? That's not a parent, Rachel," she laughs.

"Then don't be one! I can't live with you like this!" I shout as I hear Harry beg me to open the door over and over.

The line is silent, except for my lame, weak sniffling and Harry trying to get through. After a couple of minutes, she answers, her voice stern. "Fine. Just don't come crawling to me when he hurts you.." Then the line goes off, she having hung up, and I can't help but let out the scream I've held in, and let the tears swallow me up. It's a scream the neighbors can hear for sure, louder than I expected.

The door suddenly breaks through, Harry holding a key, his eyes instantly meeting my body, and I feel ready to fall, the fight with the murderer over, and I took the defeat.

Harry's POV

"Rachel! Please unlock this!" I shout over her screaming, digging recklessly through my dresser for the bathroom key.

She won't answer, she won't stop screaming. I don't know what's going on, but I haven't seen her cry this hard, or get this angry. I just wish she would answer. I want to know who the hell is talking to her on the phone and ruining the happy moment we had. She was so fucking happy this morning, we both were.

A loud crash of something hitting the floor makes me jump and finally I find two keys in a drawer. Which one is the question. I lunge to the door, trying the first key, my shaky hands unable to get the damn key in. Then I fucking realize it's the wrong one.

"Rachel!" I yell, when I hear her talking end, but she still ignores me. I throw the other key to the ground and try the next one. When it finally fits into the lock, I hear her scream the most awful scream, and I need to get to her right now.

Once the handle finally moves, I burst through the door, meeting her eyes. Her red, teary eyes. Rachel's hands shake as she moves the phone away from her ear, and she's just staring off into space.

"Angel.." I sigh, taking a step closer.

Suddenly her breathing begins to quicken, and she's gasping for air. I rush to her side but she dodges me and goes to the toilet, opening it rapidly and kneeling down to throw up. All she does is continue to gasp for air however, and I find myself at her side, holding her hair gently behind her and trying all in my power to calm her down from this panic attack she's having. Every cough, horrible sounding gasp, scream, and her quivering body has me frightened. I rub her back, whispering endlessly that she will be okay as I take notice of her white knuckles that clench tightly to the rim of the toilet seat. I don't know if she is going to be okay.

We sit here in front of the toilet for..minutes, until her breathing gets under control. Slowly, she retracts her body from the toilet and grasps for my arms. Rachel isn't hyperventilating anymore but the tears are still streaming down her cheeks. I take us back to lean against the wall behind us, and she turns and lies on her side, laying her body over mine. I feel her tears on my chest, as her breathing becomes quieter and quieter. I kiss her forehead, giving her body a small squeeze so she knows I'm here. I'm definitely here and not letting go.

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