Chapter 18- Something Azure

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Chapter 18


    An uncomfortable feeling was digging it's way into Olivia's subconcious, interrupting her precious sleep. She flickered her eyes a few times, and tried to ignore the feeling of weights being attached to her eyelids. She was aware of two things that needed her attention, but she wasn't quite sure what. So tired...      

     She squinted at her surroundings, and to her immense surprise she found she was curled up on the couch under the crook of Mason's arm. Oh, wow... She was in between him and the couch, and the heat emanating from him was enough to make her want to continue snuggling against him. Nothing had prepared her for waking up to this. She looked at him, trying to memorize every line and pore on his face. He slept with a contented smile on his face, and she could hear his nose make a tiny whistling noise. She even smelled that hint of ocean salt and musk that was his scent alone... Mmm, ocean salt...

     The feeling she had when she woke came back in full force, and now she didn't have sleep to mask it. Up and down her legs, a pricking sensation was running through her skin. It felt like a million barbs pricking her and running deep into her musle, poking and prodding her. White hot pain flashed, flowing in waves.

       She was confused for only a moment when she remembered- she hadn't swam for several days, due to the craziness of being at Mason's house. What was today... Thursday? And it had been... Monday since she last stepped into the ocean. Crap. Right now she was having withdrawals. She needed to get in the water, and fast, or she would get truly, really sick.

     She glanced at Mason to make sure he was sound asleep, which he was. As quietly as she could, she slipped out from under his arm and sat up, scooching her way down the couch until she was past Mason and free to stand. Once she did, she tiptoed her way to the front door, taking care to open it slowly and with minimal squeaking.

       Once she was out, she breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing her luck, it wouldn'tve shocked her if she accidentally broke something or made a large noise trying to sneak out. But maybe luck was with her this morning- the early morning sun was shining, and there was a slight nip in the air, enough to make you want to get moving.

     Olivia made her way off the porch and through the grass, headed toward the distant dock. The grass was dewy and sodden, but the coolness felt good against her legs. The chill woke her up a tiny bit, and she was glad when her brain seemed to start functioning again.

       The pain shooting up her leg seemed to be growing slowly worse as she walked on, and she couldn't help but chastise herself for going this long without swimming. She knew what happened if she didn't swim- unbelievable pain after a few days, so much that it took control of your every thought, every moment. And so she had learned that it was best to swim every day, as much for her mental health as her physical health.

     She approached the Lyons' sturdy, solid oak dock, and padded her way across it. The sound rang out across the silent morning, and it put her on edge. She tried to reassure herself it was fine, she was fine. She would swim some, get out, and no one would even notice.

       Stripping quickly, she tucked her clothes out of sight and didn't waste any time diving into the water, splicing through the cold surface and into familiar territory. This, this was home. It didn't take long for her to transform, and she welcomed it. She didn't realize how much she'd missed it and craved it these last few days. This was an essential part of her life, and for her to forget that because she was with Mason at the moment... Well, it was kind of inexcusable. She had to take care of herself first and foremost.

     She dove deeper until she was among the towering strands of seaweed. The maze of rich greens and pale yellows surrounded her, until the waters surface was the only break from the slow swaying of tall locks. She advanced slowly, breathing it in, taking in the slick feel of the seaweed as she brushed past. The almost deafening silence swirling around her.

       She emerged from the kelp forest into open water. Everything for as far as she could see was flat and sandy and blue. The sunshine filtered through the water creating shifting golden beams that appeared and faded on the sand. Even after only a few days, she was struck by the beauty of this underwater world of hers. Everything was so peaceful and quiet and calm, it was almost overwhelming.

       She flicked her tail and meandered through the water, riding the undercurrent and letting her hand slip into the warm sand. How could humans live without this? She often wondered this. Down here, the world was harmonious and gloriously peaceful; a haven of colors always awaited her down here. Why would people choose to live where gravity ruled them, and their feet always had to be planted? She liked floating, and feeling like nothing could touch you.

     As she looked on, a brilliant flash of blue caught her eye ahead. It was a magnificent deep shade of azure, so clear and startling that she didn't have time to catch what it belonged to before it was gone. Without a second thought, she rushed ahead. Her tail was flipping furiously as she sped through the water, but no matter how much ground she gained, she couldn't catch it. She kept seeing glimpses, but the thing would dissapear before her eyes. With every sighting, she sped up just a little more.

     Finally, she just had to stop. Her tail ached, and her breathing was shallow and fast. Whatever it was that she was chasing had a tiny edge on her, but that was all it needed to keep the lead.       She looked around, still breathing heavily, and realized she was nowhere near where she had started from. She must be miles out by now. The sand below her had dropped off, and was replaced by a dark nothingness that looked ready to swallow her whole. Suddenly she felt the urge to surface... Anything to get away from the abyss below her.

       She broke the surface of the water into the crisp air, and tried to take deep breaths. In, and out. In, and out. Just look up. Blue sky above you, does that cloud look like an elephant? In, and out. In, and out. Nothing to be afraid of'; it's all in your head. You're being silly.

     She skimmed the horizon, and with a start she saw a fishing boat not too far away. Crap, crap, crap. She dove back into the water, and with her mind submerged in panic, she raced the rest of the way home.


Eeep! Updates are the best!

Sorry this one is kind of a filler, and nothing really all that exciting happens in this, but don't you worry ;) I got plansss...

And for all you silent readers out there, I want to hear what you guys have to say! So be sure and vote, and tell me what you think. If you have questions, suggestions, overall thoughts on the chapter and general musings, I WANT to hear from you guys :) I really do

So, lovely, gooey smores go out to all my readers- I love you guys to pieces!


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⏰ Última actualización: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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