Chapter 8- Anniversaries

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Kristin Cavallari is a dead ringer for what I think Mason's mom (Mrs. Lyon) would look like. She's there on the right

Since I didn't have room to put Don't Stop Believin by Journey on Chapter 6 (where the song is used), you sillies can listen to it here, on the right side :)

Chapter 8


    "Mommy! Make him give it back to me!," Amy whined from the kitchen. Mason could hear Josh bouncing the ball obnoxiously. He could just imagine the faces Josh was making at Amy too. As much as he loved the twins, they definitely had their annoying moments that made him want to scream. He rolled his eyes, focusing his attention back on the TV. There was a Friends marathon playing, and he wasn't going to miss a chance to be lazy while watching his favorite show of all time. That plus the cookies his mom made resulted in him sprawled across the couch. 

     It was a good episode- that one where Phoebe and Rachel ran like weirdos. He couldn't help laughing a little; after all, this was some funny shit. But he found his mind drifting from silly, loopy running to a certain girls quick, steady jog...

     Really, you're thinking about her again? He couldn't help it- she'd looked so graceful running along the beach, he couldn't help but stop and stare. And then she'd ran straight into him. He probably could've moved out of her way, now that he thought about it. 

     And then her face after she fell... Even now  it brought a bemused smile to his lips. He knew he shouldn't have laughed, but she had looked so confused, and then angry. It was all just so comical on her. 

     Thinking back, he might have upset her. He did feel bad about that- he would apologize as soon as he could. In the meantime, he would chuckle at her kitten anger... and remember how her be-speckled, copper skin looked against her white racerback tanktop...

     Dude, just stop... Damn. He needed to quit doing this to himself. He had a girlfriend. And this was just a phase. Nothing more than a phase.

     Almost on queue, his phone lit up beside him. Looking at it, he saw Sophia had texted him. "Hey boo, wanna hang 2day?" He stared at the message, indecisive. If he was being honest with himself, he had to admit that he really didn't want to. But he didn't want to say that. He texted back- "Im kinda tired frm surfing ths mrning." She responded back immediately- "we dnt have 2 do much... i just wanna hang w my sugar!" 

     He sighed, exasperated. He wasn't really in the mood for this, but he didn't even have a good excuse. "Ok" he typed. She sent him a kissy face, and he shut off the screen, turning back to Friends.

      30 minutes later, he heard the front door open and close. "Mason!", he heard Sophia call from the front hallway. "In here," he called back.

     She ran in and jumped on the couch next to him. "Hey boo!," she said. He smiled at her, and she grinned back, hugging him and snuggling close. He couldn't help but think that her perfume was a little overpowering- it made his nose itch.

     "Mason, I missed you so much yesterday. What were you doing?" She peered up at me, her lips turned into a little pout. 

     He shrugged. "Jeremy and Andrew wanted me to surf, and I have to practice for a competition Saturday."

     Her pout deepened. "But I never see you anymore. I want some us time." She waggled her eyebrows.

     He, however, furrowed his. "Soph, this is important to me. There are gonna be scouts at this competition, and I really need a scholarship." This neediness of hers was really getting old.

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