Chapter 2- Encounters

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Dedicated to dayena2002, for the support and ideas shes given me :)

Also, if you don't know who Chad Michael Murray looks like, his picture is over to the right- that's who Mason looks like, just with a little longer hair- not too long though. When picturing his hair, picture Niall Horans' when its styled up, but way blonder. I know, it's complex, but all this jibberish makes sense to me so :P

Also also, to the right is the song Blackbird by the Beatles (featured in this here lovely chapter). If you've never heard the song or you just wanna be crazy awesome, take a listen ;)

Chapter 2


    "Blackbird singing in the dead of night... take these broken wings and learn to fly... all your life... you were only waiting for this moment to arise". Good song, he thought. Definitely one of the Beatles' best. It was basic but good; sometimes that's all a song needed. Of course, it was only one of the best- you couldn't count out Here Comes the Sun, Let It Be, Yesterday, All You Need Is Love, Twist and Shout, and Hello, Goodbye... all of those.The Beatles weren't just hippies- they were inspired hippies, that's what they were.  He smiled at the thought, and hummed along, fingers tapping contentedly at the steering wheel.

     Something about the morning just invigorated him like none other. Maybe it was the sun peeking over the ocean far away, barely glimpsing over the surface, but still painting the sea different hues of orange and pink while playing hide and seek with the moon. It helped that there wasn't a cloud in sight- the sky was a looking glass into the heavens, the constellations dotting the surface like a kaleidoscope. 

     It could be that smell of salt that always seemed most tangible in the morning. It always lingered in this little town of Vanda, but in the morning when he was driving to the ocean, it just smelled stronger. And better.

     The station switched over to Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi just as he pulled into the parking lot across from the beach, and he just sat for a few moments in the car listening. He could listen to the song anytime he wanted on his iPod, but it just felt so much more special listening to it on the radio. You had to get the luck of them playing it, so that's pretty damn special. 

     He couldn't just sit there all day though. There were things to do, and only so much time to do them in. As little time as he had been there, the sun already seemed to have risen just a tad more. 

     He shut the car off and make his way around back to get his board. He pulled it out with ease, heaved it under his arm, and took off for the beach. As he came onto the sand, the cold grits wriggled their way onto his sandals. Even though he had lived practically his whole life on the beach, at times he still thought sand was a pain in the ass. Sometimes, it literally was. 

     He stopped at the last little crest on the beach until it sloped down gently to meet the waves. The waves licked at and crawled up the beach, but retreated every time. He planted his board in the sand and watched the water. He looked for the size of the waves and how fast they were coming in, and checked for wind direction. He also took a moment to appreciate the sheer size and enormity of the ocean. As a surfer, there was nothing more dangerous you could do than underestimate the ocean. If it seemed on that special moment riding the waves that you were mastering them, then you were doing it wrong. It was all about feeling the energy of the water and working with it. You had to appreciate it and know it to ride it, and move to become one with the water. It sounded so corny, but it was true. 

     In the middle of scanning the waves, a flash of color came to his attention. It was far out, and moving on top of the water, and it was still pretty dark out, but Mason could have swore he saw something. It looked like a flash of red on top of the water. A flame in the middle of the ocean. But that didn't make any sense. He squinted and focused on that area, but just as soon as it appeared, it vanished. Everything was blue and swirling, and no sign of the red flame resurfaced. He raised an eyebrow. That better not be a huge ass piece of trash out there, I swear. 

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