Chapter 6- Ohana Means Family

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I think Candice Swanepoel looks like how Sophia would look, so she's there to the right :)

Alllso, if you've never heard I Want You to Want Me by Cheap Tricks, have no fear! I put a link to the side, so listen to your hearts content :) Don't Stop Believin is on chapter 8, because I can only have one song 

Chapter 6


     He stood there, hands jammed in his pockets, watching her head toward her front door. He got a little pang in his chest watching her leave. The way her fire red hair swished in the moon, the way her thin toned legs moved... Dude, what are you doing? You have a girlfriend. And this is just Olivia Green. Right. Just Olivia Greene. No one special.

     She turned around. Her face was illuminated by the moonlight, and he could have sworn he could tell she had green eyes from here. Her full pink lips parted as she smiled warmly, showing her white teeth and little laugh lines. "Thanks", she called out across the grass. He nodded and smiled back- he couldn't help it, it was infectious. 

     She turned back, and he headed down the street. He couldn't help but think back to her small, toned figure, and full, rich hair. And her freckles, dotting her face like constellations, only brought out her gorgeous emerald green eyes. Not to mention the way her sides came in with a V, a perfect place to put his hands... God man, stop it. You have a gorgeous girlfriend, Sophia. Remember her?. Even so, he found himself turning around just to maybe catch a glimpse of her one last time. Instead her saw her going around the side of her house, hair whipping behind her. 

     He furrowed his brow in confusion. Why was she going around back? Why wouldn't she use the front door? Does she not really live there or something? He stood there for a moment contemplating, but then shook his head. It didn't matter. It was her life, her business. 

     He resumed his walk, head back to his house. Yet still his mind stayed on her. He had to admit he was intrigued. The way she talked, her shyness yet stubbornness... there was a puzzle there, and he wanted to solve it.

     He started humming, and before he realized it, it morphed into a song. "I want you to want me... I need you to need me... Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying? Feeling all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dying... Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?" Hmm... I Want You to Want Me by Cheap Tricks. He smiled a little bit and kept humming/singing to himself. Good song. It was better live, in his opinion.

     Before he knew it, he was at his house. He walked up his driveway, glancing up at the white and blue wrap around porch, the white pristine chairs and swings, and the bushes with pale blue flowers in front. He looked up at the second story windows, and saw the lights were on. It didn't matter too much that his parents were up, really.

     He let himself in the white front door, and was immediately greeted by their friendly Samoyed Sammie (it was cliche, he knew. But in all fairness, he didn't name her), her white tail rolling in happiness and her tongue hanging out, making it look like she was grinning. He grinned back, and rubbed her behind the ears. 

     Josh and Amy ran into the room seconds later. The twins had chocolate smeared across their faces and their blonde hair was messy and tangled. They had wide hyena grins and immediately started pulling on his arms into the kitchen, all the while shouting "Mason's home! Mason's home!". He let himself be tugged, until he saw his mom and dad in the kitchen. His mom glanced up from the counter, where it looked like she was making double chocolate cookies (even though he could guess that from the twins faces). 

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