Chapter 16- Broken Glass

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Chapter 16


    "God DAMMIT!" The screech echoed off the wall and bounced off the corners of the large room, trying to hide even itself from her fury. The glass figurine launched itself from her hand, and made contact with the wall. Millions of little glass fragments skittered the floor, flashing from the sun pouring through the open window, making sharp tinking noises. 

     The noise and the smashing, even though it wrecked havoc, didn't help her mood any. She glared at the once-beautiful paperweight, a gift from her rich uncle from Pennsylvania, and she snarled. Even that sturdy, seemingly unbreakable thing was nothing against her. Why couldn't anything stay intact anymore?

     Her hands were shaking of their own accord, and she couldn't stop them. Not that she was trying. The red over everything she saw was good; the shaking was great. Maybe not good per say, but sometimes it reminded her of her power. Her passion and flame. Often times she forgot of it, and it was times like these when she needed all the convincing in the world of her strength. Of how she had this power within her, just waiting to be unleashed. 

     It was ridiculous really. Wasn't it silly that she was doing all of this for a boy? A silly, teenage boy? Wasn't she above all that? She only had time to scathe at herself for a split second before reminding herself... This was Mason. 

     Mason, the boy she'd been dating since the beginning of freshman year. Mason, the boy who she'd loved for long before that, and who she had shared her first kiss with. Mason, the surfer extraordinaire who was everything she could look for  in a human being. Everything she ever wanted. He'd always been hers, and no one had ever been foolish enough to challenge her for him- everyone knew better than that here in Vanda. 

     She gripped her fist so hard the nails broke skin, and warm blood tricked down her wrist, dripping slowly onto the white tile floor. It stood out like fire on ice. Red colored her vision again. Of course, no one had been stupid enough to take him until NOW. 

     She made her way slowly across her room to her king size bed, laden with purple sheets and a white frame. The tile was cold on her feet, and the chill made her feel alive. Flopping down and laying herself out on her stomach, she contemplated. This Olivia Greene girl. This whole situation didn't make sense. How could a redheaded nobody who no one talked to one day, and as far as she knew, never had contact with Mason before now, suddenly be the source of him wanting to take a break? 

     She wasn't a particularly pretty girl, in Sophia's opinion. That red hair was far too ostentatious and loud for her taste, and her lips too big. The freckles that crowded her skin looked unclean (probably cancerous), and her feet were always dirty. She wasn't stupid enough to deny the girl had a good body, but that didn't make up for a lack of personality. Cynthia had complained about her, but never anything past annoying cousin shit. Sophia had never even heard the girl talk, for Christ's sake. And now...

     Sophia shook her head and narrowed her eyes. Maybe Olivia had more of a personality than she thought. Obviously Mason gave her a ride the other day for a reason. Did Olivia ask him? Did she give enough hints and suggestions that her innocent and kind Mason had fallen for them and had taken pity on her? That was probably the case- Mason had a kind heart, and probably didn't think of the dastardly things Olivia had planned. 

     But still, why would he get in the car with her, knowing he was in a relationship with her? She wasn't overbearing, but riding in with another girl- that had to be unacceptable. SHE didn't even ride in with him- he rode from surfing straight to school.

     She picked up her iPhone and scrolled through to contacts, plucking his name out from the rest and clicking the Call button. The screen came up, and she listened to it ring several times before it went to his voicemail, where he greeted her and invited her to leave her name and number. She angrily clicked End and tossed her phone aside.

     He hadn't answered any of her calls since he stormed out of school Monday, and he hadn't even gone to school today. He had to be purposefully ignoring her, because usually he'd respond back, or at least when he was done with surfing. And that torced her off. But what really made her want to kill something was that Olivia wasn't there at school today either. 

     She couldn't stop picturing him with her- walking along the pier, him feeding her cotton candy, the two of them giggling, her stroking his arm, playing with his soft hair...

     NO!!! Before she could stop herself, the rage build up inside her and constricted her throat, and another figurine was flying through the air. CRASH. It collided with the wall and rained like hail on the floor. 

     No... She had to do something. The ringing from the crash stuck in her ear, and it felt like a million drums. No, she couldn't let that happen. Something clearly had to be done. Maybe she was assuming, maybe she was letting her head get the better of her, but who cared. Better safe than sorry right? And she would rather be safe than lose Mason.

     She grabbed up her phone again, and picked another name out of the list. Holding her phone up to her ear, she only had to wait one ring for the person on the other line to pick up. Without waiting, she spoke. "Hey, I need a favor. A big one. Could you come over? Now?" After a few words back and forth, she hung up.

     She couldn't stop the grin from spreading across her lips as she cast her phone aside. Well, now the ball would definitely get rolling.


Helllloooo! And that, my lovelies, is what we call a COMEBACK!! Bam! Please excuse me for being out there, but I can't help it! It's been.... weeks... oy... since I last updated, and finally, FINALLY, I am freeee! Freee from school and the horrid cells they call desks, and the torture they call homework and tests (I did very well by the way, just in case you were wondering)!! Hallejuah, sweet mother of pancakes!

And now, I get this summer started with what you and I love best in this world (besides nutella- nothing beats nutella)-- an update! I hope you guys won't be too upset with me for updating so late, but it couldn't be helped. But now it can be helped, and it will!!! Did I mention I was excited?

I'm sorry it's a little short-- I was just going for update right now-- more to come soon!!!

I hope to see a lot more of you guys soon! Wewt! And andes mints to all of you who've read, commented, voted, and just in general liked it up! You are awesome, awesome people :)))

Did I mention my birthday is in two days? Vote/comment it up, just for me :) pretty please?


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