Chapter 1- Morning Swim

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Hello my lovely reader people! Alright, so this is my first attempt at something like this, and I gotta be honest, its pretty scary. I may write the story and create the magic, but you guys make the story blossom. That being said, I did write this story, and these were my original ideas. Please don't claim them as your own, because they're not. Back onto happier notes, please enjoy! 

Also, this chapter is dedicated to thegyth- my first follower, and an awesome writer! 

Also also ;), there's a picture of Cintia Dicker on the right there. Feel free to look her up to get an image of Olivia in your mind.

Chapter 1


     Single, weak rays of sunlight struggled through the sky as Olivia hurried to the dock. It was still dark, and the crisp air encouraged goosebumps on her arms. It was a good thing she was a morning person, or this would be near impossible. The only way to keep herself from turning around back to the house just from the sheer cold alone was the water. With that thought she hastened her steps.

     Pounding her feet through the gritty sand to the worn wooden docks, she could almost feel her heart beating faster. It was silly, wasn't it? She'd done this so many times before, and would do it so many more times in the future, and she still got excited. She stripped down to her bathing suit quickly, laying her clothes and towel out of sight from prying eyes.

     Standing on the edge of the dock, she curled her toes on the edge in anticipation. Almost in encouragement, the wind whispered behind her, tossing her ruby waves forward. The water danced in the breeze, seeming to come alive, its dark depths calling to her as she fell gracefully through the air.

     Splash! The water enveloped and caressed her, molding to fit her shape. The bubbles rose around her, like curtains lifting to reveal a spectacular show. She released a sigh of relief that she didn't even know she was holding. The water was freezing, but Olivia could already feel a warmth building inside her very core, spreading from her abdomen to her fingers and toes, to her neck and face...

     Before she knew it, she was floating in the water, glowing brilliantly with gold radiance. Feeling a tingling in her legs, she looked down. Her legs came together and seemed to melt and blur to become one. Hard scales appeared as her feet extended and changed to become a tail with a dolphin-like flipper. 

     Finally, the tickling sensation ebbed away, receding back into her, and the glowing faded. She flicked her tail just to make sure, and couldn't help but smile when she saw her beautiful tail with scales of red and gold, merging with her flat, toned stomach. Her tail was strong and beautiful, and she couldn't help but be proud of it. She flicked her tail again and it spun her about, so she was facing the ocean ahead of her. With a few kicks to build up speed, she rushed through the water with a formidable force. Water rushed past her, and, grinning, she kicked harder and propelled herself through the ocean.

     As she traveled, she saw everything in the ocean with amazing clarity. The fish flitted around her in a dazzling array of colors, and the various plants and animals on the ocean floor were a giant patchwork quilt to her, exploding with life and activity. 

     She didn't just travel in a straight line- that would be boring and monotonous, of course. With flicks and turns of her tail and torso, she flipped, twirled, whirled, and spun through the water, the movement and motions making her dizzy but increasingly happy with every turn. Her tricks got exceedingly more difficult as she manuvered herself around coral and fish, until she stopped, gasping to regain her breath. She couldn't help but smile- this morning she had done particularly well. Good job Olivia. 

    She swam back to shore at a more leisurely speed, but with purpose. Soon she saw the shore approaching from under the water and the sand starting to slant up, and she stopped a fair distance away, so no one would see her. Peeking her head out from the water, her emerald eyes roved the beach for any early-morning passerby. Her heart ground to a halt when she detected one moving figure on the beach, headed toward the waterfront. As quickly as she could, she retreated back into the water. Her heart was beating again, and it felt like it was trying to clobber its way out of her body. She could hear it pounding in her ears, and blood rushing to her face, making her face almost as red as her hair. 

     Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod... this can't be happening! It just can't! What will happen if they saw me? Will they send out a search crew? Omigod I'm going to be caught! My life is over... if they saw. Maybe, just maybe, they didn't have seen me... it's possible. I wasn't up for long, and they would have had to been looking straight at me... right? Ok, ok... I got this. Let's just get out of here. 

     She swam to the far other side of the dock on the opposite side that she'd seen the person, and started searching for the hidden ladder. Minutes later she found it, and started pulling herself up as fast as she could. She heaved herself onto the top, and was made fully aware that the sun was much higher than it was when she first came out. Night's veil was almost lifted, and everything was illuminated by stronger, more confident rays of sunshine. Shit, she thought. This is what happens when I use the public dock.

     She grabbed her towel and clothes from where she had stashed them, and rubbed her tail quickly- time was of the essence. Her tail had to be completely dry for her to change back, and she was freaking out. She rubbed her tail hard and quick, and finally she could feel her legs peeling apart and her feet receding into their normal, fleshy shape. She didn't have time to appreciate her new appendages, however, because suddenly the sound of feet slapping the dock was all she could hear.


Sooo... wow! This is kinda crazy! I've never put any of my stories up on a website for everyone to read. So this is kinda... well actually really cool! I'm trying this one out, and still working on a plot and characterization, and getting to know the feel of it. But, since I have one chapter up, any and all opinions, thoughts, comments, criticism, suggestions, encouragement, and feedback are welcome! Second chapter will be coming out sooon. 

Cookies go to all who've read- so munch away, and await further chapters, my lovelies ;)


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