Chapter 16: Cuddle With Me Instead

Start from the beginning

"If I did, so did you." he teased, "I'm glad I finished last week."

"Lucky," I grumbled, "If you weren't so damn distracting, maybe I could've studied more." A smile graced my lips.

A smug smirk tugged at the corner of his. "Then maybe you'll let me distract you a little more tonight?" He asked in a hopeful tone.

"Maybe. I could just bring my stuff to your place and study there." If he'd let me anyway. Not that I'm complaining.

"You could definitely do that."

"Then let me borrow your phone so I can call my mom. I'll let her know I'll be home later than expected."

James stepped back and retracted his hands. He pulled his phone from his pocket and handed it to me. "Does she know?"

"About?" I asked absentmindedly while I dialed her cell number.


While it rang, I looked at James. "Not yet. But I'm going to tell her soon."

Her phone went to voicemail as expected. I just left her a short message, letting her know I'll be home late tonight so she doesn't have to wait up. I'll most likely be back before she goes to bed, but still. Most of the time she tells me not to call because I'm eighteen. It's just nice to let her know. It's probably for Gray's sake.

I handed James his phone back and he pocketed it. "Will she be mad you didn't tell her?"

"Not at all." I didn't hesitate, "But she's still weary after—she's just like any mother." I smiled through my mistake.

James noticed, I could tell by his narrowed expression. "Okay, well since you get off before me, just meet me back up here and we'll leave."

"Okay. See you later."

I trailed back to his office doors, but felt his fingers wrap around my wrist. He pulled me back against his chest, his hands lightly caressing my face, and his lips descended on mine. He pecked my lips several times, leaving one lingering kiss burning on my lips before leaning back a couple of inches. "You can leave now." He smiled.

This time I kissed him and pulled away completely. "I'll see you back here."

He bobbed his head once and I turned to leave.

* * *

"Don't you ever wonder what a zombie apocalypse would be like?" James muttered from his spot on the couch.

My pencil stilled in my hand. "Not really because the probability of a zombie apocalypse is about the same as pigs flying." I slightly tilted my head to peer at him. "Is that seriously what you've been thinking about for the past hour?"

"Maybe." He answered sheepishly, "But it is a valid question. I'm sure you've thought about it before. Who doesn't?"

"I've watched The Walking Dead with my brothers. So I try to avoid thinking about a zombie apocalypse." I attempted to get back to the worksheet in front of me, but James started talking again. But it didn't make me mad, if anything this whole conversation made me want to laugh.

"So you have thought about it." I could hear the grin in his voice.

"James, your nerd is showing." I retorted.

He playfully poked my side. "So is yours."

I felt my lips twitch, but I managed to stop my smile. "It doesn't matter how much I think about a zombie apocalypse. I'd be one of the first so-called-survivors to get bit or eaten by a group of them."

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