Chapter 2

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My smug sense of accomplishment vanished when I walked into the tent. G-Dragon's broken form lay on the stretcher. The playful smirk wasn't there, but then again, neither was the rise and fall of his chest. His face was expressionless and his hairline was sticky with blood, barely visible amongst his red hair.

Broken neck and dented skull. Just like that, within those three minutes, my friend was no more. It took time to get used to the wetness around my eyes, but that was not what I was thinking about.

I stroked his cheek. He didn't deserve this. He had money, fame. He could've gotten the hell out of here and made a life for himself up there. Maybe had a wife and children in the future. He could've lived.

I had the sudden temptation to go out the door and beat Yugyeom bloody, but I reigned it in. Revenge didn't have a place in the arena. Instead I stood up. The medics ran towards the stretcher, but I waved them away. He wasn't going to rot in the arena's morgue. ''I'm taking him,'' I said firmly, glaring at them. Even with my red-rimmed eyes, they didn't dare object.

I looked at G-Dragon sadly, and kissed his not-yet-cold lips.

The medics then simply put a white sheet over him and looked at me with sympathy. I hated them for it.

I decided to bury him beside the river, not too far from the entrance to the arena. The medics gave me a shovel.

It was past midnight, and the stars were barely visible, even though it was a clear summer's night. Or maybe my vision was just too blurry to see them.

The sound of the shovel hitting the ground was rhythmic, and before long, I was sweating. I didn't care. Every blister I'd earn will be a tribute to this boy.

When I was finished. I kissed him on the lips one final time and lowered him slowly into the shallow grave. I scooped up dirt and let it fall over him, covering his lifeless body.

Shovelful by shovelful. Soon his face was covered up with soil and I couldn't see him anymore. My hands were shaking so badly I dropped the shovel.

And then I lay down and did something I hadn't done in years. I sobbed.

Red was beginning to paint the sky when I came to my senses. I was covered in dirt and salty tears. My eyes were beginning to dry out.

I pushed myself up off the ground. I had to get home, wash, eat, go school. Yet instead, I neglected duty and I locked myself in memories.

I spat out a mouthful of blood. ''Again.'' G-Dragon looked uncertain. ''You sure?'' I looked at him with steely eyes. ''If it was the arena I would've been crippled. Or dead. Again.'' He sighed and took his place. Suddenly his stance became more playful. He teasingly jabbed me in the ribs. And I was as ticklish as hell. My laugh alarmed him. True, I didn't show emotions often.

He looked at me oddly, and it made me a little red. He realised he was staring and lowered his eyes, laughing uneasily. ''What?'' I asked suspiciously. He shook his head. ''Nothing. Well actually I want to ask something of you.'' I raised my eyebrows. ''What is is?''

''I want you to promise me, that if I die, you'll get on with life. No tears, no revenge, no grief. Nothing. Just laugh like you did now. Forget me and live well.''

I had already broken the first part of the promise. The tears that soaked his grave were proof of that. And revenge? It was going to come, followed by grief. Sorry G-Dragon. I couldn't keep my promise. But you left, and you are now beyond caring.

I stole one last glance at the mound, and with that I followed the fading lights of Seoul city.

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