"Did you really think I was stupid enough to not realise what we going on?" Alfie asked.

"Yeah, I didn't think it was that obvious." Megs replied.

"So you knew what was happening but just stood back and let it happen?! What kind of friend are you?!" Nath shouted.

"I didn't just let it happen, I went and spoke to Ruth and we made a plan to try and sort everything out." Alfie replied.

"Oh, so what did you do?" Nath asked.

"Ruth went to see Megs to try and get her out of the flat so that me and Marcus could sort Jacob out and tell him to back off." Alfie replied.

"Did it work?" Nath asked.

"No, Jacob answered the door to Ruth and got all annoyed saying that Megs couldn't go out because she had Uni work to do, when I knew she didn't because I am on the same course as her and we hasn't been set any in weeks." Alfie replied.

"So what did you do next?" I asked.

"Ruth text Megs to tell her that we knew what was going on and that we were going to try and help her and that for us to help, she needed to get out of the flat and come and find us. Megs then replied and said that she would try and for a few days she was texting us, telling us when she would be able to get out because Jacob was at Uni or had to be somewhere. On the day Megs told us she would be able to escape, me, Ruth and Marcus waited in the reception of the flats that Jacob and Megs lived in, pretending to read a newspaper or magazine and looking out for Jacob as he went out so we could go and save Megs and take her somewhere safe but Jacob never left. After sitting there we decided to text Megs and ask if everything was okay but instead Jacob called us and shouted at us, telling us to leave or her would call the police because we were apparently 'stalking him'. So we left." Alfie said.

"Why did you leave, you don't know what Jacob could have been doing to Megs!" Nath shouted.

"When we were talking to Jacob, he forgot to end the call, just threw the phone somewhere so we could listen in to everything he was saying to Megs. We waited in a park near the flat and listened to see if there was any chance of Jacob leaving the flat any time soon, and there was. Jacob said that he was going to leave the flat the next day at 9:00 to go to Uni but that he was going to lock Megs in the flat and take all of the keys so she couldn't leave and we couldn't get her." Alfie said.

"So you knocked the door down when he left and you saved Megs, right?" Tom said making it sound like a simple enough task.

"No, not quite. The phone call lasted for hours and we sat there listening to it for the whole time, in case something happened. About an hour and a half into the phone call we could hear Jacob barking orders at Megs to do stuff for him and Megs walking round, doing what he asked out of fear. Jacob the quietened down and sat on the sofa, right by the phone, sighing heavily, we all made sure that we stayed quiet so that he didn't realise we could hear everything he was saying to Megs. Megs then came and sat down and put what sounded like a cup of something on the table. Jacob then picked it up and took a sip of the drink but immediately spat it back out started shouting at Megs, telling her that she was useless at everything. We then heard Megs scream but we had no idea why. I then shouted, forgetting that Jacob could hear me on the other end of the phone. Jacob suddenly went quiet and searched for the source of the noise and found Megs' phone. He told us to back off or Megs would get hurt." Alfie said.

"Why did you scream?" I asked Megs.

"Because Jacob threw the whole cup of tea at me and it was still steaming hot." Megs replied.

"What?! That's so horrible, where does he live? We'll go and get him back!" Tom shouted, getting up from his seat.

"Tom don't, he's left me alone for nearly a year now, I don't want him to have a reason to come back." Megs replied.

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