The Book of the Fallen Angels.

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A few days earlier

The clouds where even more beautiful than ever. They swirled and turned with the smooth breeze, and the shining sun highlighted each of their silver linings making them look light and elegant. Zaid looked across at them while he lay on his own individual cloud. “Hey, Zaid” Reni said from behind Zaid. “Oh hey.” Zaid said turning round to face her. “Sorry, am I interrupting your thoughts.” Reni smiled as she bent down to Zaid. “No not at all I was just gazing at the clouds.” Zaid said.  Reni was looking even more glowing than ever; her wavy gold hair hung down to the ground, her white toga rippled in the wind making it seem like white water waving in the ocean and her face glowed with happiness. “You always gaze at the clouds. Why?” Reni asked. “Because their beautiful. But I don’t always look at the clouds; I look down to the world of the living.” Zaid replied. “So you’re still missing it, huh? You know you’re going to get depressed if you stay here. If it weren’t for me you would always be alone. You need to go out and meet more souls like yourself.” Reni sighed. “I don’t need to meet anyone. No... I don’t want to meet anyone, your enough as it is.” Zaid laughed. “Come on don’t joke around like that. I’m not going to be around forever.” Reni replied. “Reni you are going to be around forever your dead like me you can’t ‘not be around forever’ it’s not possible for you to leave unless you chose to.” Zaid said. “Well, you never know, one day I’ll just want to ‘rest in peace’ in the darkness of my mind. And truly ‘pas on’.” Reni gazed off at the clouds. Zaid looked at her for a few minutes. “Are you serious?” Zaid asked. “Well, I obviously don’t want to go into eternal sleep right now. But one day I may want to.” Reni breathed. “That’s a long time away so I don’t have to start making friends just yet.” Zaid smiled. “Is there something you want to talk about?” he continued. “Yes, since you’re new here and you’re still learning about this place. I need to explain to you a few things. One you cannot insult other souls. Two your wings are for flying not playing. Three we call ourselves souls, angels, spirits ext. But never the dead! Four you don’t hurt other souls. And five you are forbidden to visit the world of the living unless you have permission. There are many more but those are the main ones.” Reni explained. “That’s all you wanted to tell me? Those rules you just told me are obvious. It’s like the rules are set for a child. Reni I’ve been here for about a year and I am 14 years old don’t you think I would have figured all of this out?” Zaid boasted, “So is that it is that why are you here?” Zaid asked. “Yeah. That and just to see you. And to look down on the world of the living.” She answered. “Why couldn’t you have just look from your cloud? Wait let me guess my cloud has a better perspective of it.” Zaid joked. “For your information I wanted to spend some time with you! But if you want to be alone I understand.” Reni huffed. “Actually I would like to be alone.” Zaid said glancing down through the clouds. “Fine, I understand.” She answered as she stood up. Then a pair of white feathered wings sprouted out of her back and she flew off through the misty clouds. “Is she angry with me?” Zaid murmured then he gazed down to the world of the living. He could see grass, houses, shops, cars, roads and parks. “How I miss being alive.” Zaid gazed down at the many people walking, play and living there lives. “Hm, so I really can’t visit the world of the living without permission? How annoying I’m not a kid. Why is it when you’re dead, you’re treated more like a child than a mature person? Why don’t they trust us not to be childish? Agh! This place is so annoying!” Zaid thought, “I need something to read. Something that would interest me right now!” Suddenly a black book appeared with the title ‘Fallen Angel’ written in red on the top. “What’s this?” Zaid asked himself and opened the book up. “This book is full of information on the fallen angels and it will give its reader all the useful information on how to become a fallen angel. He who is reading this book must be warned of the great burden that will be uncovered once he reads the next pages. Dear reader, be warned your existence and every other things existence will be in danger if you read this book. You must be ready to accept the consequences if you read this book! Since you must have touched the book when you opened it, even if you do not wish to read further this book now belongs for you. Unless you give it to another. So that means the book will always come back to you.” Zaid read. “Yeah right how could a book do that? And even if it is dangerous I can surely handle it.” He thought and turned the page. “Please write the name of the owner here.” It said on the black page. “Fine, I guess your mine now.” Zaid muttered as he wiped out a pen and wrote his name. He turned the page to the next black page with white writing on it. “Chapter One, what is a Fallen Angel; so you have chosen the deadly road of the Fallen Angels. Since you have, the first thing to explain is what a Fallen Angel is; a Fallen Angel is a spirit (once living but now dead.) that can transport from the living world and the soul world without any problem. Fallen Angel’s can also live normal lives once they land in the living world, because they can provide a fake background (fake past, home, connections ext.) which means they can appear human/alive. Fallen Angel’s also contain great power, even more power than a full pledged Angel (a spirit who was extremely powerful in the living world and the dead.) A Fallen Angel can be of either sex. If you wish to become a Fallen Angel read on to Chapter Two.

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