Chapter 21: apologies

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My body is frozen.

I can't breathe.

I can't think.

All I can do is watch Adam sit across from me.

I need to say something, but I can't. Words are forming in my mind, but I can't get them out. I just can't......

"Sparkle," Adam says after a while. I just stare at him, still unable to speak.

"Listen, I-"

The words finally come to my mouth and I interrupt him, "What the hell do you want?" the words come out more harsh that I intended.

He looks surprised, but he quickly regains his composer, "I wanted to say I'm sorry. I know I've said it a million times, but I really, truly mean it this time. And-"

"So you didn't means it the first time?"

His glowing green eyes look down at the desk.

"You didn't mean it the first time!" I say louder. Really loud. "I should've known! I should've KNOWN! You're nothing but heartaches are fake apologies, Adam." my voice cracks, "Do you understand how bad you hurt me?"

He shakes his, "No, I didn't understand. During those weeks I left for tour, I realized something; you are-"

"Bullshit!" I scream. "I won't take your bullshit! Not today, not tomorrow, not ever!" Tears stream down my face and I wipe them away furiously.

"Sparkle, don't cry." Adam says. He reaches for my hands, but I yank them back. "Don't." I warn

"Would you please just listen?" Adam yells. "Please?!"

I stare at him. His green eyes are burning, but soften as each second passes. "Why should I listen to you?" I say with disgust.

"Ugh!" He explodes and throws everything off my desk. "Would you please just listen?!" he yells. "I want to say I'm sorry. Very sorry! It was a stupid thing to do, I know. And I wish I hadn't done it. When I left for tour I realized you're not like any girl I've ever met. You didn't throw yourself at me, or beg for my number. You were just you. And I hate that I wasted my only chance with a girl like you."

I stare at him. What? "Are you serious? Or are you feeding me more bullshit?"

"I'm serious. I'm so sorry."

Penny said to forgive him and move on. But I can't. His apology was very heartfelt, but probably not real. He probably found it on the Internet or something. I look down at the desk. Can I forgive him. No. I shake my head slowly. I can't.

"What the fuck, Sparkle?!" he yells. "I just apologized to you from the bottom of my heart, and you can't say anything? All you can do is shake your head?!""

I look up at him. He grabs my wrist. "Sparkle, please. Please! Say something! Anything! I can't sleep at night with the thought of what I did to you!"

"I-" I open my mouth to speak, but someone else does. "What are you doing?"

We both look at the door. Dan stands there, his eyes wide. He takes in the mess on the floor all around us. "Leave her alone." Dan says.

Adam lets go of my wrists, his eyes are pleading. I look away.

He turns to Dan, "I'm sorry, I just needed to talk to her."

"Oh, so you're Adam?" Dan asks.

Adam nods.

"You're lucky I won't beat your ass, not now at least."

"Sorry." Adam mumbles walking out of my office.

Dan takes my hand, "Are you okay?"

I nod.

Dan hands me a tissue, "Good." he says. And he pulls me into a hug.

This is my favorite chapter so far! Thanks for reading. Vote and comment please! :)

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