Chapter 23: the walk

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We walk in an awkward silence, but this time I break it. "How was the concert?"

"It was good." Dan says.

"How does it feel to be on stage? Do you get nervous?"

"All the time. I need at least 2 beers to get on stage."

I laugh, "I didn't know that."

"Yeahhh, but in the end the the feeling is amazing and you forget about the nervousness. Hundreds of thousands of people calling your name and singing along to the lyrics you wrote. It's the best feeling ever." Dan smiles his goofy smile.

I smile too. There's something about his smile that makes me smile. "How about you, Sparkle? How's your job?"

I sigh, "It's insane. Celebrities coming and leaving 24/7. I mean, it's not hard, or too much work; it just gets crazy sometimes."

"And you don't like crazy?"

"Not at all." I say.

"Do you get nervous?" Dan asks nudging me.

I giggle, "Yes I get nervous. I'm always nervous. I have social anxiety."

"Right," Dan says. He stops walking and steps closer to me. He takes my hand and my breath catches in my throat. "Are you nervous now?" he whispers.

I don't trust my voice so I shake my head.

"Are you sure?" he whispers.

"I'm sure." I whisper.

"Good, I don't want anyone to feel nervous around me." he continues to walk.

"Don't worry I'm not nervous." I say, "You're harmless."

He laughs and says, "I guess I am."

We continue to walk and talk about random things. I learn many things about Dan that I didn't know. He has a sister, Fran, and his favorite color is red. He loves converse and he's sort of a philanthropist, sort of.

We walk down random roads and keep talking. I don't pay attention to where we're going and we walk past my house. Well..... my old house. And mom's home.

Holy shit! I quicken my pace, but Dan does the opposite.

"Hey Sparkle! Look at this!" he says pointing towards my mom's car. "The license plate has your name on it."

"Cool." I say.

Dan takes my hand and pulls me back. "Look! Isn't that wicked?"

"Mhm." I nod. I see a quick movement in a window upstairs, my mom's window. "Shit." I mumble.

"Hm?" Dan asks.

"Cool!" I say putting on my best smile.

Dan laughs. "That's completely wicked, you're so lucky."

I see a movement in a window downstairs. The kitchen window. She's closer...

I tug on Dan's hand, "Let's keep walking." I plead, but it's too late. The front door opens and mom runs down the driveway. I see Jonathan standing in the doorway. He's thinking if he should come out too or stay inside. He decides to come out and I hold back the rage pumping through my veins.

I fight the urge to run away. Mom envelopes me in a big hug. "I've missed you so much! Well.... We've missed you." she says motioning towards Jonathan. "My sweet Sparkle." Mom says caressing my face.

I don't hug her back. She backs away and looks down at the sidewalk.

"Who's this?" Dan asks.

"My mom." I mutter.

Dan nods.

"Mom, Jonathan," I say glaring at him, "this is Dan. Dan this is my mom Kelly and.... Jonathan" I say. I watch as they all shake hands.

An awkward silence settles over us. Mom breaks it, "Why don't you come in?"

"Um... su-" Dan starts.

"We can't!" I say louder than I meant to. "We can't. We have somewhere we have to go. Right Dan?"

He looks confused, and I know he is. "Ummm." he hesitates.

"It'll only be a moment." Mom says.

I take Dan's hand, "We can't. We've got to go." I drag Dan along.

Mom looks so hurt. So hurt. Jonathan does as well. I bite my lip and look away.

"Nice meeting you." Dan calls.

Mom smiles sadly and retreats back to the house. Jonathan close by her side.

Once we've put a lot of distance between us and the house, tears prick at my eyes. I sigh and look up at the sky.

"What was that about?" Dan asks.

I shake my head. "Nothing." I say. My voice cracks and tears roll down my cheeks.

Dan takes my hand, "Sparkle, what's wrong?"

I wiggle out of his grasp and run down the sidewalk. I wipe the tears from my cheeks before the wind can dry them. I hear feet pounding the sidewalk behind me. Dan is catching up. I quicken my pace but it's no use. Dan catches up and grabs my arm.

"Let go of me!" I yell. I bang on his chest and try to push him away, but he doesn't budge. He pulls me into a hug and I don't fight him. I cry into his shoulder. He strokes my hair as we walk to a tree and sit under it. I lie my head on his shoulder and he draws shapes on my hand. "It feels like I've known you forever." Dan whispers.

I look into his blue eyes. "Same." I whisper.

He laughs and leans closer. "Have a met you before, Sparkle Allen?"

I giggle, "I don't think so, Daniel Smith."

A tear rolls down my cheek and Dan wipes it away. "What happened back there?"

I look up at the darkening sky and shake my head. "Nothing."

Dan nods and shrugs, "We should go now, it's getting late."

I nod. Dan helps me up. He calls a cab and we go to Penny's apartment.

Sorry for the long wait for the update. I was caught up in birthday stuff since my birthday is today. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment! Hey! Maybe since I'm 14 now, my writing skills might get more sophisticated! :D


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