Chapter Four - Home

Start from the beginning

“Yep. Right next to the Governor.” Merle shifted in place, still smiling. The woman lifted her sword again before Rick loudly warned her, demanding her to lower it.

“She knows Andrea?” Quinn looked up at Merle. They were side by side once more, just a few feet behind the human sheild that consisted of Rick and Daryl. The woman from the car stood patiently on the sidelines, just as enveloped in the conversation as those who were speaking.

 “Hey! You both know her?” Rick glanced at Quinn, then the ebony woman.

“N-Not well. Talked to her a few times but that’s it.” Quinn mumbled, instantly feeling guilty for responding to Rick.

“Mm, my Nubian queen here had two pet walkers. No arms, cut off their jaws, kept them in chains. Kind of ironic now that I think about it.”

“Shut up bro.” Daryl sighed.

“Hey man, we snagged them out of the woods. Andrea was close to dyin’.”

“Is that why she’s with them?” The woman from the car asked, still lingering on the sidelines.

“Yeah. Snug as two little bugs.” The group stared at Merle, a rising level of disdain in their eyes. “So, what you gonna do now Sheriff, huh? Surrounded by a bunch of liars, thugs and cowards.”

 “Shut up!” Someone shouted.

“Oh man, look at this. Pathetic! All these guns and no bullets in ‘em.” Quinn turned to Merle and attempted to hush him but he was on a tirade now, in for the kill. He manuvers through the small group, passing Rick and Daryl and heading for Glenn. Merle was the up close and personal type.

"Please Merle, not now.” She whined, her hand loosely grabbing after his black overshirt. 

“Bunch of pussies! You-” There was a swift bop to the back of Merle’s head and he dropped to the ground instantly. Rick, who held the pistol he had just knocked Merle with, looked at the group expectantly, warranting an understanding but annoyed look from Daryl. Quinn, however, was not as composed as Merle’s younger, as she wasted no time in rising to his defense.

“Hit him one more time and I’ll kill you where you stand.” Now it was Daryl who stood in front of Quinn, taking over his brother’s protective position, though it was clear he was confused as to why he did so. Merle lay still on the ground, the only movement being his slow, rhythmic breathing.

“Do you even know who he is?” Rick’s voice was quiet but harsh and his eyes were focused on her’s. She was locked in verbal combat now. Do what Merle does, hold your own.

“Better than you do.” She spat, forcing her way in front of Daryl, face to face, or rather as close as she could be with the height difference with her opposer. “You left him on that goddamn roof to die. I know him better than any of you assholes do.” Quinn turns to Daryl and gives him a look, hoping he’ll understand she excludes him without verbally expressing it, but he returns it with a blank expression.

“We had no choice, your buddy was a threat to my people.” He hissed through his teeth.

“He did this to me! You think he’s a good person? He’s not worth the breath you’re wasting on him!” Glenn pushed himself towards her, giving her a clear sight of his slightly swollen face.

"Glenn, this isn't the time or place." The woman from the car says with a soft voice.

“He hurt me, the woman I love, my friends, my family.” Glenn continued. Quinn was silent now, presented with the injured man's violently acquired bruises. Her face was still solemn and her lips were still drawn, as if she were going to spit out a series of violent threats and insults to defend Merle’s name - but the face of Glenn, the unbridled hatred and rage on his face spoke a truth to her that she knew she could not rebuke. She lowered her eyes to the ground and closed her mouth.

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