Part 10

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Scars & Love - Part 10

Zayn's POV

Me and Emily are on our way to school to be there for the last three classes. I'm driving us, because her aunt isn't capable of doing anything right now. Emily is quiet and she keeps looking out the window and looking at happy people outside the car. I don't know what to say to her... What is it to say? Her brother raped a girl...

Suddenly the silence is broken by Emily's phone buzzing. Emily slowly picks her phone up and look at it. "My aunt is leaving for the week... She's staying with her half sister in New York." Emily tells what the message said. "She's leaving again?" I ask concerned. "Yeah" Emily mumbles and I can see she's keeping herself from crying. "I can turn around if you want to go home" I suggest. "No... I need to get out of the house for a while" Emily says and look out the window again. I don't say anything to her for the rest of the ride... It's just quiet.

*A few minutes later*

We finally arrive at school and we both get out of the car. "Thanks" Emily says and give me a weak smile before she starts walking inside. I run after her and grab her shoulder. "Hey, why are you walking away from me?" I ask confused. Emily looks at me like I'm stupid. "I know you don't wanna be seen with me, Zayn" Emily says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "What are you talking about? I love you, Em. You're the only one I want to be seen with" I say and smile at her. "I don't know, Zayn. I really don't want to make a scene" Emily says with doubt in her face. "You're my girlfriend. We're supposed to be seen together" I say and reach out my hand to her. Emily smiles at my hand and then at my face. "Ok" She says and grab my hand firmly. We walk inside the doors with our hands intwined...

Emily's POV

I try to stay calm, but on the inside I'm almost the most afraid I've ever been. Zayn is so handsome and so popular, then there's me... The depressed girl. "I really don't mean to leave you, but I have to go to the loo" Zayn says. "It's ok" I say and Zayn leans down to give me a sweet kiss before he lets go of my hand and walk down the hallway. I walk over to my locker a few steps away and try to find my books for my next class. Suddenly I hear someone laugh behind me.

"Look who's back! We thought you died... Or should I say; Hoped you died" I hear a male voice behind me. I turn around and look to see that It's Max and his friends. I keep hoping that Zayn will be back very soon. "Hey, cutter. I'm talking to you" Max says and walk closer.

Cutter? How did he know? I thought he was to stupid to understand that part about blood on my thigh.

Suddenly Max is all up in my face with his friends right behind him. "Leave" I quietly say. "Ohh... Is the little cutter afraid? What are you going to do? Cut your wrist?" Max says. "Go away" I say a little louder. Max smiles and turn around, but only to turn back to me again and punch his fist in the locker next to me. "That could be your face, cutter" Max says and laugh a short laughter. "Fuck you" I say and try to walk away, but then one of his friends grab me and throw me to the ground. "You should kill yourself, cutter. You're just a worthless piece of shit." Another one of Max' friends say before he kick me in my leg.

"Hey, Badboy. Look what we found" Max says and suddenly I see Zayn's face. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Zayn yells as he sees me and he help me up from the ground right away. "What's wrong? We're just having fun" Max says and lift his shoulder. Zayn walks closer to Max in a threatening way and he's clearly angry.

"WHAT'S WRONG? I TELL YOU WHAT'S WRONG, MAX. YOU'RE BEATING UP MY GIRLFRIEND, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" Zayn says before he pushes Max really hard. "Your girlfriend? Seriously?" Max says and laugh along with his friends. "Yes. My girlfriend and I love her, so back the fuck off" Zayn says. "Zayn, why the hell would you be with a ugly piece of shit like 'cutter' here?" Max asks. "cutter?! CUTTER?!" Zayn yells angrily and punch Max in the middle of his face.

Max' friends help Max and throw Zayn off him. Suddenly Max is on top of Zayn and Max keep hitting him again and again. "You like fucking this ugly slut, don't you, Zayn? Making sweet love to the little virgin girl? Huh? I bet you two go on all night, cutting each others wrists" Max says while he keeps hitting Zayn, who is now bleeding. "STOP IT!" I yell at Max, but he doesn't listen.

"What on earth is going on here?" A teacher says as she walks out of a classroom. She walks over to Zayn and Max and ask everyone to walk away. Everybody listen to the teacher, but not Max. "Stop it, Max!" The teacher yell and pull Max. Max stands up and walk away with the teacher. "I'm sending someone over here" The teacher says before she walks around the corner with max.

I run over to Zayn who is lying on the floor. "Oh my god, are you ok?" I ask and try to help him up. "Yes, I'm fine" Zayn says and opens his eyes. I try to help him up, but Zayn stands up fast and start running away after the teacher and Max. "Zayn!" I yell and start running after him. As I get around the corner, I see Zayn holding Max up against the wall as he smashes his fist into Max' face with all the power he has left. "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO MY GIRLFRIEND EVER AGAIN!" Zayn screams before he spits on Max who is now lying unconscious on the floor. "Malik! You get two months of detention for that!" The teacher yells. "Fuck you" Zayn says and walk over to me.

Zayn hugs me tightly. "Are you ok?" He asks. "Yes. What about you?" I ask and put my forehead against his sticky one. "I'm good" He says and kiss me. "Zayn, you're not good. You're forehead is bleeding like crazy" I say and carefully touch his wound, causing him to whimper. "Let's get you to the nurse" I say and grab Zayn's hand. "No... let's go home to your place" Zayn says and hug me again. "You can't drive like this" I say, but Zayn just shakes his head. "It's ok" Zayn says and grab my hand as we walk outside to Zayn's car.

*Zayn's POV*


"Be careful" Emily says as she helps me up the stairs. I laugh at how concerned she is about me. It's just so cute. "I'm fine, Em" I say and stop her so I can give her a kiss. "I'm going to help you clean that wound, Zayn. Follow me to the bathroom." Emily says and help me up the rest of the stairs, then into the bathroom. I sit down at the edge of the bathtub, while Emily find a cloth with some water on it and a couple of bandaids. She carefully put the cold cloth on my forehead with a smile on her face. "That feels really good, Em" I say and smile. "That's great" Emily says and put two bandaids on my forehead.

After that, she stares into my eyes. "I love you" She says and smile at me. "I love you too" I say and kiss her forehead. "How about a bath?" Emily asks and look at the bathtub behind me. "It can fit the two of us" I say with a smirk.

"It can" Emily says and stands up to lock the bathroom door. She lit every candle in the bathroom and then she turned the lights off...


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Thank you :) - Em xx

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