Part 3

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Scars & Love - Part3

Emily's POV

I wake up and think about what happened between me and Zayn yesterday. My whole body shivers by the thought of his moaning, his touch and his sweet kisses. I can't wait to see him at school today... Maybe things can change?

I get up from bed and put some blue jeans and a grey hoodie on, then I walk over to the mirror and curl my hair. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. My aunt is there. "Did Steven come home last night?" She asks worried. "I don't know... I went to bed early" I say and smile. My aunt raise an eyebrow at me and walks closer to me. "Early, huh?" She asks. "Yup" I say and grab a water bottle from the refrigerator. "Or was it the fact that you didn't hear anything?" My aunt asks suspiciously and walk closely up to my face. "What do you mean?" I ask a little nervously as my heart beats faster.

"Emily... I'm not stupid" She says and give me a angry face. "What do you mean?" I ask confused. She rolls her eyes as she sighs and point at my neck. "What?" I ask confused again. "You have love-bite!" She yells at me. Shit. I cover the love-bite with my hand as fast as i can and try to walk out of the kitchen. "Emily, get back here" My aunt yells. I slowly turn around again to face her. "Tell me what happened" She says and point at the couch in the living-room. I roll my eyes and walk out to the living-room and sit down at the couch. My aunt follows quickly behind and sits down beside me.

"I don't wanna talk about this with you," I whine and put my face in my hands. "Please tell me you used protection" My aunt says seriously. "I didn't have sex" I say and look away. "But you were with a boy, right?" "Yes" I mumble and try not to smile of the thought of his touch. "What is the name of this boy and... You know what? Tell me everything" My aunt commands. I sigh and take a deep breath. "His name is Zayn Malik and he's sort of an asshole" I say and giggle a bit. My aunt doesn't giggle though. She just stares at me. "Does this boy... hurt you?" She asks carefully. "Of course not" I quickly say. "So what happened?" She asks. "I invited him over for a movie and we ate some popcorn" I explain. "And?" She asks and leans her head on her hand. "Things happened... But i really gotta go" I say and get up from the couch and grab my bag. "I'll be here after school!" My aunt yells at me as i walk out the door.

I take the school-bus to school and all the way there I can't quit thinking about Zayn...

*At school*

I walk to my locker to grab my books for first period, but then i see a note. I read it.

"Are we still on for after school? Zayn xx" It says.

I smile at the note and try to find Zayn. It's not to hard... He's by his locker. I walk over to him and try to look sexy, even though i'm not.

"Hey" I say and smirk at him. When he sees me, it's like i was a ghost or something. "Uhm" He mumbles and look around. "Is something wrong?" I ask a little worried. "No, no" Zayn quickly says, but he doesn't look at me. Suddenly, some of his friends come over to him.

"Why are you here?" One of his friends says and look disgusted at me. Zayn still doesn't look at me. "I'm talking to Zayn" I mumble and try to meet Zayn's eyes, but it is impossible. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna ask him?" One of his other friends says and walk closer to me. "Why do you care?" I mumble and look away. "Because an ugly, worthless nerd is talking to my friend" He says and slightly push me.

Why isn't Zayn helping me? Why is he acting this way?

"Get off me" I say with cliched jaw. "Fuck off" He says and point in a random direction. "After the things that happened... Is this how you wanna act, Zayn?" I ask zayn over his friend's shoulder. Zayn looks stupidly at me. "What do you mean?" He asks and laugh a bit. "You know what i mean" I say a little angrily. "Nope" Zayn says and lift his shoulders. His friends laugh. "Asshole" I say at Zayn and walk away to the girls bathroom.

I can hear the bell ring and i decide to skip first period. I sit down and cry. All i want to do is to drag that razor blade across my skin again. I don't even hesitate to find it in my backpack. As soon as I get my grip on it, I pull my pants down and drag it with a lot of power across my leg. The blood is pumping out of the freshly opened wound and it's streaming down my leg. I smile at how the pain takes all my other problems away. The smell of the blood is toxic and i keep cutting deeper and deeper, until my hands are covered in blood from my thigh. As soon as i feel finished and calm, I put the razor-blade back in my bag. When i'm standing up I realize that i must have cut way too deep, because the blood won't stop streaming down my thigh. It's just more and more blood pumping out.

I get a little bit shocked, but decide to just take some toilet-paper and clean it. It doesn't work at all though. The blood just keep flooding out. I decide to just pull my jeans up and that it will probably stop anytime soon. I wash the blood of my hands and walk out in the hallway and walk to my class... Math... With Zayn and his friends.

I open the door and excuse myself before i pick a seat. The only available one is the one behind Zayn's friend Max, the boy who called me all those things... Fuck my life.

*Bell rings*

"Ok guys. Remember the test on tuesday. See you next week" The math teacher says. I stand up and are about to walk out of class, but Max stops me. "Do you have a vagina on your thigh, or?" He asks. I literally want to throw a chair at him because of that stupid and random question. "Get a life" I say and try to walk away, but he grabs my arm. "No seriously... Look at your thigh" He says with a actual serious face. I look down... Shit.

Zayn suddenly looks over Max's shoulder and his face drop. I try to cover my thigh up and walk out of the classroom. Then i walk home...


The first thing I check, Is if my Aunt is home. She's not... So i give it a green light and throw my jeans off. The pain is horrible and the cut won't stop bleeding. The next thing i hear is the doorbell ringing. I freak out. There is blood on my hand, my thigh, the carpet, the floor and my jeans. I decide to just pull my hoodie down and answer the door.

I open the door and there is Zayn...

He just walks straight in and doesn't even say hi... Asshole. I close the door and walk up behind him. He has discovered the blood... which is everywhere. He turns around to face me with tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" He cries. "For what?" I ask confused. "For being an ass to you!" He says as his tears chokes him up. "Apology excepted" I say and hug him. "Let me see your cut" He says and point at my thigh. "No" I mumble because i know it's too much for him to handle. "Yes" He says. "No" I say back, but he just pick me up and carry me to my room.

"What the hell?" I yell as he puts me down. "Show me" He commands with a cliched jaw. "Fine" I mumble angrily and pull my hoodie up a bit. Zayn runs off to the bathroom an i can hear him throwing up. I just sit there and look at the cut. It is extremely disgusting...

After a few minutes Zayn comes back. "I'm driving you to the hospital" He says and throw some of my sweatpants at me. "NO!" I yell at him angrily and throw the sweatpants back at him. "YES!" He yells back and grab my arm. I can't get away... He's too strong. He drags me out in his car and we drive to the hospital. I don't even have any pants on...

I hate him!


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Thank you - Em xx

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