Part 5

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Scars & Love - Part 5


I wake up with Emily in my arms sleeping in my arms. It's saturday so we don't have to rush out to get to school. We can just relax and sleep. I love weekends.

I look at Em sleeping. Her hair is all over the place, but she looks so peaceful and I can't take my eyes of her. I carefully kiss her cheek and wait for response, but the sleeping beauty wont seem to wake up. I decide to get up from bed and look around on her room to fill my time. I find some teddies behind things and laugh to myself... She probably tried to hide them from me. I walk over to her closet and look around.

I can suddenly see some blood-stings on something in the back of the closet. I sit down and grab the 'thing'. It's a white purse, but i can't get my eyes of the blood-stings. I slightly shake it to get an image of what's in there. I can't figure out what it is, so out of curiosity, I open it.

I put my hand in there, but cut myself on something sharp. Then it hits me... This must be all of the things Emily cuts herself with. I look down in the purse and carefully take the things out. What i find is shocking... It's razor-blades, knifes, scissors, needles and a sharp piece of glass. I shiver by the thought of that she actually let these things cut her. I take my jacket of, so that I'm just in my t-shirt and grab the razor-blade. I have to know what it feels like and how painful it is...

I start shaking as I lead the razor-blade closer to my left arm. As soon as the razor-blade touch my skin, I slowly drag it over my lower wrist. The pain is so awful... I really don't know why Emily's doing this to herself. As I put the razor-blade down, I hear foot-steps behind me.

"ZAYN?!" Emily yell as I suddenly feel she's grabbing my shoulders. I turn around slowly, afraid for her to see the cut. "Who gave you the fucking right to go through my stuff?!" Emily yells as she sits down beside me and starts to put everything back in the purse. "I saw some blood-stings and got curious" I mumble and try to hide my left arm. "I didn't want you to see this" Em yells angrily and as she throws the purse back in her closet again. "I'm sorry" I mumble and she finally starts to calm down. "Come on" She says as she gets up and grab my right hand. She leads me over to the bed and put the covers over us.

Then she sees what I hoped she wouldn't see. The blood had gotten from my wrist to the sheets. "What is this?" Em says concerned as she sits. I sit up as well and show her the cut on my wrist. "I was curious" I tell her. A tear fall down her face as she carefully wipe the blood away with her thumb. "Zayn, are you mental?!" She yells at me with tears in her eyes. "Well are you? You do the same thing" I tell her. She looks like she's thinking over what I just told her.

"I tell you this... From now on, if you cut, I cut" I tell her as I grab her hands. "You are mental" She says and shakes her head at me. "No... I just have really strong feelings for you after all of this" I say and put my forehead against hers. "This is like a dark, twisted version of titanic" Emily says as her eyes meet mine. I nod and lean in to kiss her.

This kiss is so passionate and things get heated very fast. Before I know it, I'm between her legs as we start to make out. Her hands are all over me and my hands are all over her, but we get interrupted when we hear her aunt call Emily's name from downstairs. "Shit... You have to go" Emily says and point at the window. I give Em one more passionate kiss, but our lips barely touch...

I get out by using the window and climbing down the tree right outside her window. I walk home and smile at the cut in my wrist... I can now finally keep Emily from cutting.

If she cut, I cut.


Was that stupid of Zayn to say if Emily cut he will cut? Will it help her stop?

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Thank you - Em xx

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