Chapter Forty- Search Party!

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"so where did you last saw her?"

You asked, acting like a professional CSI agent. It had been only an hour since you've found out there was a hedgehog missing. It was such a surprise, that you were left speechless. Manic seems to have gone searching a while earlier, while sonic was waiting for you to break the news. One look into his eyes, you knew he was worried, and you can bet all your money that manic was just as worried.

"Well, i last saw her the middle of the night actually..she told me she needed to collect something..." sonic pondered to himself.

"Did you know where?", you asked once more, curiousity brimming on the top of your head.

Sonic shook his head sadly, not really wanting to reply. You sighed but kept silent, confusion in your thought. The idea how the pink hedgehog has gone missing is still a huge mystery. The fact she could have been kidnapped, or even lost brimming in your mind. Ofcourse, it might have been i good idea to call the chaotix team, but you had no way to contact any of them.

In the midst of your thought, Manic had already come barrelling into the scene, face seemingly happy for some unknown reason, which pretty much irritated sonic.

"What's with the grin?" sonic asked irritatedly, but a hint of curiousity sparking in his eyes.

"Oh nothing~" manic slyly said, a chesire grin planted on his face. Sweat brimming at his forhead. It seems the hedgehog had a marathon on his way back here. "Its just that, i might know where sonia is~"

"Are you serious?!" sonic asked, jumping to his feet in a flash. Eyes wide, waiting for his brother to make an affirmination, which he did with a small nod. With that, Sonic seems to get the same chesire smile in his face, grinning as he slyly said to Manic. "Great job manic, where'd you get that info?"

With those words, the said hedgehog seems to have gotten flustered, as the cocky hedgehog smiled cheekily back. With Manic looking anywhere than his brothers for a mere minute, he finally gave out a sigh.

"Okay, fine! I stole something at the market when i was searching for her! And i also took a look at the shop's surveillance camera...", Manic twiddled with his fingers, slightly embarassed. Sonic rolled his eyes, already used to his brothers antics.

"So, do you know where she might have gone?" you questioned, only hearing the last sentence in their conversation.

Manic grinned, and pulled up a finger, indicating to wait a moment, as he presented a video tape. You were guessing that was the CCTV tapes by the way he grinned ear by ear.

Sonic swiped the video tape in hurry, wanting to see where his sister have gone, till he realized. "Wait a moment, how are we suppose to watch this when there's no video camera?"

Hearing this, something must have clicked in Manic's head, before he looked in the ground, not wanting to meet anyones eye. "Oopsie?"

Sonic made a loud sigh, as you gave a silent pitiful face to the embarassed hedgehog. It was then, the green quilled hedgehog pulled out a video camera from his bag of stolen goodies.

"You stole a cam recorder?" you asked, startled. It wasn't an everyday thing to buy that, but he seems to be full of tricks at the moment. Handing the recorder to Sonic, he shrugged.

"It might have come in handy, and it did!"

You sighed a bit, before turning your attention to the speedster, who started up the video. You and Manic quickly went sonic's side, wanting to see.

With much fast forwarding and rewinding, you finally stop when Sonia entered the shop, looking completely normal as possible. She took out a drink, before the paying the cashier, then heading out. The info was sadly limited, but luckily, from the survellance camera position, you could make out which direction she headed.

With that, you and the hedgehog brothers headed out, walking to the small nearby town. It was a shaby little town, not much to look at, but just enough to cause excitiment. There weren't much town folks either. Overall, you could only say , it was a quiet, empty area.

"Is this really the place manic?" sonic asked, curious with the state of the town.

"Positive! See, look! Thats the market i was in." manic pointed across the road, seeing a run down market. Strange such a place had the money to get a surveillance cam, but you can't really argue. There aren't many people around, so maybe the owner only values sercurity. With that, you guys began to walk further away from the shop, hoping to find the pinkette.


"we are never gonna find her!" Manic yelled in frustration.

Looks like finding the girl was much harder than plan. But with only knowing the direction she made, you couldn't really pin point where she was heading from the start. You and the brothers continued to search every area around the town, and still nothing.

Looking into a small alley, you couldn't see anything at all since it was pitch dark inside. You felt as if something is gonna ooze at the ground any minute, just by feeling the grieving atmstphere around. It seems no one has walked through this for awhile, noting how empty the town is, and the ageing walls on either side looked. You weren't paying attention, and seems to have been in deep thinking, when a hand came out and pulled you in. Making you stumble in your steps and fall on the ground.

You were about the scream for help when the mysterious person covered your mouth. Making it muffled, the person had a tight grip on you, and kept a firm hand over your mouth. Saying you were shock was the least thing, fear was rushing through your veins like a hurricane. But putting that aside, your not going to let some creep take a hold of you like this are you?

With determination, you finally got the guts to try to kick the creep. Luckily, you got it, and he grunted in pain as the guy loosened his grip, making you pull away easily.

Eyeing the shaded person seeing-

yay! New chappie! At least this came out faster than the last one, but again! Sorry for the incovenience guys. Who do you think it is? Where a sonic and manic? Find out soon!

Thanks again for the support and what not! Here's a small sneak peek.
"Geez, you woman are sure a handfull"

"Hey! Have some decency you-" cut off, you stared off in shock, seeing the pinkette you were looking for awhile. Sonia?!

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