Chapter Thirty One- Saved by Heroes!

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yawning to yourself, you stretched you arms lightly and drowsily walked to the deck. The cool breeze whistling threw the mid-air, the sun peeking its way out from the corner of your eyes. You smiled at the events that happened the day before, you couldn't believed that you had gained two more emeralds on a single day! Wow! Who would have thought right?

Though, you were kinda sore when you woke up, seeing as Amy had explained, there were no lower decks. Which made you thought of the saying, there aren't any places for you to sleep in.But that didn't stop you there! You were extremely tired, and not to mention freezing, what would be the best way to cure this sickness you have? Well duh! Sleeping!

There was only one place you could have think of to sleep, and that wound be the sacks filled with potatoes on the end of the deck. At first, you were hesitant, but quickly jumped in, to tired to argue with your brain at the moment.

Now, wide awake, You silently walked over to the other side of the ship, wanting to greet the poor sap who wheeled the ship the whole night. You were expecting to be greeted by none other than the big cat himself, but was surprised to see a very, very tired looking hedgehog.

Her eyes were ready to close, and seems to have bags underneath. Her legs were shaking from standing to long, and she seems to be using the wheel to support her slumped body. You walked cautiously to the hedgehog, keeping a close distant if she decided to yell at you for bothering her.

"...Amy?", you hesitated a bit. Her eyes shot opened, and turned to you quickly.

"Oh...hi (your name)...", Amy said, yawning in the middle of her sentence. She cracked a sleepy smile before it disappears again.

You smiled at the young hog, and asked, "were you up the whole time Amy?", you wondered, staring at her who drowsily slumped her head back down.

"Yup! All night!....from ten to six in the morning....", yawning again, Amy spoke out, picking her head up while scratching her head lightly.

You nodded your head, understanding that the girl had been up the entire night steering the boat. You might have arrived earlier to the city, but the ride had a bit of a delay, and seems like you weren't gonna arrive earlier than you hoped. 

You saw Amy close to falling asleep again, and quickly acted, dragging her along the side and lying her down on the other sacks. Amy fell right asleep, to sleepy to argue and to be bothered. Now that's out of the way, though you got a 'little' problem on your hands. 

Whose gonna steer the boat?, though the real question is, who IS steering the boat?

You rushed over to the steering wheel in full panic, literally hopping on your foot, trying to get there quickly. Once you reached it, you tried your best to keep in the road Amy had already pointed out to. Things weren't going breezy, especially since this new to you. 

Maybe you driven a car, or drove a bumper car in an amusement park before. But it felt different, and not in a very good way. You were getting kinda stiff here and there, and the idea of navigating this so called ship, is actually making you more nervous. 

Mostly, you would think that something extraordinary would happen, something incredible. You always seemed lucky when things like this happen, but maybe, your luck had finally ran out.


The item you had missed seeing flung inside the ship, making it rumble and swish and turn. You stumbled to find the strength to keep the boat straight. Amy stumbled awake, looking startled as ever, Big and Cream made it out of their sleeping areas and came out, shock as well. 

Amy came over to you quickly, panic rushing through her body from the look of it. "What's going on?!", she asked quicker than usual.

You didn't answer, your thoughts were clouded on how to steer the ship right, the idea of sinking scared you to death. Cream came up to you and pulled you away from the wheel, making you loose your focus as Big took the wheel for you. 

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